Why yellow germs of cucumbers in a greenhouse?

Why yellow germs of cucumbers in a greenhouse?

Probably, the cucumbers grow on plantation on plantation, because this vegetable is delicious, and it is not so difficult to grow as some other cultures. Often, cucumbers are grown in greenhouse conditions, because the culture under consideration needs moisture and warmth. Often, the germs of cucumbers begin to turn yellow, let's find out today, for what reason it can happen.


It happens that, despite regular and thorough care for the culture, it appears on it a different kind of disease, from which there are mass problems, including the death of the plant itself.

Puffy dew is a common problem from which many cultures suffer, and cucumbers are no exception. Often, malievous dew manifests itself on cucumbers when it was not removed from the fall from the garden (remember, so it is impossible to do so). It should be understood that various kinds of weeds, as well as foliages can be sources of infections. Another reason for the appearance of the disease under consideration, and in consequence and the yellowing of the wedding is an oversupply of moisture. The plant begins to make sure, and the ovable is yellowed and fell from the trunks of the culture.

Among other things, the ovary of the cucumbers turns yellow in the presence of false mildew on the plant. The problem in the fight against this problem is that it proceeds without any symptoms, and it is possible to reveal it only when the white-colored flooring is found on the inside of the leaves.

The most effective tool to combat this problem is the treatment of a plant with soap economic and ash influence. As for false mildew, it most often, it is striking the plant still in a greenhouse, and the likelihood of saving it is usually negligible, but still, you can try. To do this, you will need to treat plants (and stems, and leaves, and ovary) antibiotics. It may be streptomycin or terrarsicin.

Quite often, the culture under consideration suffers from rotten root. By the name it is possible to immediately understand that the main purpose of this problem is the defeat of the root system. First, it becomes a brown neck, after which the germs of the embryo on the plant. It is clear that if the crop roots are amazed, the likelihood that it will be completely large enough.

It is also necessary to understand that it is difficult to deal with the diseases of fungal type, so the gardener is easier to simply prevent their occurrence. To do this, follow these rules:

  • regular disinfection of a greenhouse
  • destruction of old tops of plants
  • frequent harvesting from weeds
  • ensuring proper air circulation

It should also be noted that such a culture as cucumbers can also suffer from such a disease as bacteriosis.


Probably, each Ogorodnik came across such a problem as pests. Sometimes, there are simply no salvation from them, so if the germs on cucumbers are wishes, but at the same time, the reason for such behavior is no disease, most likely, these are new residents of your greenhouse.

Often, the cucumbers will start a mudflow. As soon as it appears, the leaves on the trunk of the plants begin to be covered with quite large yellow spots, over time they become rich-green, after which the embryos begin to dry out on the plant. It is worth noting that the pest under consideration is a peddler and distributor of various fungi and bacteria.

The gardener must remember that often pests on culture appear because of the weeds rang on the bed. It is for this reason that you need to fight regularly. In order for the failure to appear on the cucumbers, you need to grow them near plants that are well scareding the TRU (if there is such an opportunity). These are not some incredible plants, but ordinary - coriander, garlic or fennel (so that the smell is more powerful). You can use the opposite method - to plant near the cucumbers of the plant, which loves the word, so that the pest forgot about the culture. The trouble loves Malva, petunia and beans.

Another pest, because of which the germs of cucumbers can fall apart - this is a web tick. The garden must be attentive, and make sure that a web appeared on the back of the sheet.

Temperature mode

Another reason to dry eggs on cucumbers - sharp temperature differences. Experienced gardeners know that at first the cucumbers need to land in the greenhouse by providing them with comfortable temperature regime. This is the key to a good crop of this culture. It should be understood that already at temperature indicators in +13 0 - The embryos dry and disappear. In the case of too high temperatures (for example, +30), the ovary may also shine.

The ventilation and ventilation system must be installed in the mandatory order to be comfortable for the culture under consideration. Only in this case can be hoped for a good harvest.


For inexperienced gardens we inform, cucumbers are a culture that loves moisture and which feels comfortable when grows in a wet land. Insufficient moisture - germ yellow, too much moisture is also bad and the ovary may fall. It is important to observe the Golden Middle. Watering a bed with cucumbers is needed in the evening when the sun begins to sit down (in the heat you should not irrigate irrigation). Water should not be too warm, but also should not be ice. The optimal water temperature for watering cucumbers is +25 0.

Proper culture care is the key to a good harvest in the future.

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