How to fix the gas balloon

How to fix the gas balloon

If gas ended in the gas cylinder, it is easier to buy it than to refuel the used. But for the sake of saving money, people are still trying to refuel with gas empty cylinder alone, avoiding shopping. Of course, this is quite possible and easy. The main thing is to comply with all the rules and security measures. You can fix you a small balloon for a cottage or a tourist gas cylinder using a large container donor cylinder.

A household gas cylinder is a different capacity: from 5 to 300 liters. In order to flow liquid gas, turn the donor balloon upside down, the valve must be at the bottom. For convenience, you can use any design, for example, hang on the rope or install a base on the stand. You can come up with many options for fastening the cylinder in an inverted state. The main thing is that the design is reliable.

To assemble a system for filling the gas in an empty cylinder, you will need: crane, adapters for hose, threaded head, high pressure hose. In order for the assembled fill system to be durable and served no longer, all listed items are better taken from gas equipment, preferably for liquid nitrogen. If you take ordinary water supply equipment, then the system will quickly fail. Collect the gas fill system, secure couplings carefully. The reducer will not need, the process of refueling will go slower.

Shut down the high pressure hose to the cylinder. On the threads of an empty cylinder (for example, 2 liters), screw the adapter. Connect the cylinders with a hose. The crane is necessary in order to adjust the supply of gas. The valve of the balloon in this case is better not to use, otherwise it will quickly come into disrepair. From the old cutter, take the head on the carving of the gas cylinder, attach to the hose. You can also use the burner head, but in this case it will be necessary to make additional work, since its diameter is too small for the hose. Tsang is best suitable metallic, and not plastic. If one time to figure out the details of the device and work for one day, then in the future the refueling process will be completely simple.

Now that the fill system is ready, start the refueling process. Before refueling, be sure to determine the weight of the empty cylinder. Open the valve on the empty cylinder, then on its donor. In time, depending on the gas cylinder capacity, it will take you 3-15 minutes, as the gas flows slowly. The volume of the cylinder is usually indicated on its body. Therefore, using the scales control the refueling. After the characteristic observing sound of the flowing gas disappeared, close the valve on the cylinder donor, disconnect the hose from it. Weigh the filled balloon. In the absence of weights, refuel "on the eyes": refill half the volume of the cylinder, then drive gas, fill the balloon completely.

Carefully according to the instructions, refuel the gas cylinder with gas, and you can use it up to ten times. Signal for buying a new cylinder is the detection of some external defects or damage. In this case, no savings are worth a possible danger to your life. Better not at risk acquiring a new balloon.

Only household cylinders with a valve are possible, and not the old sample cylinders with the "lamb". Always remember that the gas is very explosive, you need to handle it carefully and carefully. You can fill the cylinder at gas stations equipped with special weights and have official permission.

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