How to put a meter on water

How to put a meter on water

The regulations of water consumption for the inhabitants of our country are calculated with a large margin excluding a variety of factors. In addition, the payment for water supply is charged even if the family in departure and cranes in the apartment are closed. To avoid unjustified costs, the proper solution will be the installation of the water meter. In today's material we will tell you how to do it.

The first step is the choice of the meter, i.e. Water meter. Their models are divided into destination: there are appliances for hot water, and there is also cold. There are also several types of such devices: mechanical, vortex, electronic, etc. We will not dwell on them in detail, since the overwhelming majority of consumers acquires mechanical type water meters in the absence of special problems in the water supply at home. To select the counter, you need to relate to responsibly, because Incorrect actions in this case can lead to an accident in the form of flooding of its apartment and premises located below. Forms of Multisystem, "Plisters", Pulsar, Teplovodomer, Bolchun, and DroVoder, were proved from the instruments-manufacturers of instruments for measuring water consumption.

When buying a meter, make sure that its packaging has a passport of the manufacturer with a stamp and data on the water meter, instructions for its installation and operation, as well as a warranty card. The number that knocks out on the meter housing must correspond to the value specified in the product passport.

In addition to the device itself, you need to buy additional products for assembly and installation: Filter of coarse cleaning, fasteners, splines, corners, nipples and pipe segments. For independent work on installing water flow meter, the home master will need such tools: Bulgarian, set of wrenches, dice for cutting a thread, gas key, scissors for metal-plastic pipes, panel or fum-tape to create tightness of threaded connections.

The installation site of the water meter must comply with such requirements:

  • between the counter and the water supply is unacceptable the presence of devices giving water consumption to bypass its accounting device;
  • the arrangement of the device should be convenient to withdraw tests and periodic verification.

Now that you have decided on choosing, documentation, the installation site of the meter necessary for work with materials and tools can be started to install it. The procedure will be like this. To begin with, it is necessary to overlap the water with a shut-off valve. If it is working, water will not drip water in the bathroom or kitchen in the bathroom or kitchen. Then the grinder should cut a piece of the tube of suitable length. With the help of adapters, Signs and nipples are sequentially connected: a coarse filter, a water meter and a check valve from the meter kit. The arrows applied to the body of each part of the assembled node must have the same direction of water flow. All compounds on the thread should be sealing by screwing the flax or fum-ribbon on it. After assembly, the node is fixed on the wall using fasteners.

At the last stage of the installation of a water meter, its filling and commissioning of the Vodokanal service is produced. To do this, on the phone you need to apply in housing and communal services to sealing the water meter. After you come a technical inspector, which will check everything regarding the installation, configuration and documentation of the device. In the absence of comments, the counter will be sealing, and you will receive an instance of the corresponding act in the hands.

That's all. Good luck!

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