How to Remove Water Counter

How to Remove Water Counter

Water meter installed in an apartment or house will help the tenants to pay for the volume they consume. For example, you went on vacation or in the apartment temporarily no one lives, so why overpay by tariffs installed by the utility company?! Water meter will significantly help reduce water supply costs. The host only needs to be regularly marked by the meter testimony and for consumed water cubes to pay. How to remove the water meter testimony?

On the water meer there are 5 digits of black and 3 digits of red. Liter on the counter are shown in red numbers (in this case, 79 liters), but for the work of payment they will not be needed, because It is made for meters cubic. Therefore, for calculations, only the "black" figures are responsible for Cuba.

After you only installed the meter, write down his testimony. In our case, it is 00000079. In a month, again note the testimony of the water meter. For example, they will be 00011879. This means that in a month you consumed 11 cubes and 800 liters of water. To pay, you can round this digit and pay for 12 cubes.

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Next month, the testimony of the water meter is 00021650. To calculate the flow rate for the month, the current readings should be subtracted from the current meter readings. For the simplicity of calculations, liter can not be taken into account at all, then we have: 00021 - 00011 \u003d 10 m3. In the following months, we produce calculations in the same way, taking into account only the numbers.

In order not to overpay for water, make sure about the health of the entire plumbing. Does the mixers do not flow, the drain tank and whether there are no leaks somewhere else. To do this, close all the cranes and see if the metal gear does not spin on the waters scoreboard. If not, everything works correctly and the meter on the water will really help you save.

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