Each apartment has an electric meter. The testimony from it is removed monthly. It is necessary in order to calculate the amount of payment for electricity consumption and pay consumption.
Previously, the counters were installed on the staircases next to the apartments. In new buildings there was a tendency to place electricity meters in apartments. Usually the meter readings are removed at the end of the month, preferably at the same number.
The meter shows the total amount of electricity consumed in kilowatts per hour (kW / h). Write the numbers to the comma. After the comma, the tenths are shown, changing quite quickly, they do not need to be written. In some models of counters, tenth lobes are highlighted in different color.
Depending on the service organization, you need to transfer the counter reading or independently calculate the cost of electricity over the last period and the amount of payment.
If you need to calculate, then make it easy. From the discharged figures should be subtracted by the testimony of last month, that is, the value that was written out at the previous payment. So you will receive electricity consumption in the last period in kW / h. Now multiply the resulting difference in the coefficient, which is worth 1 kW / h. The tariff can be viewed in the receipt or contact the serving company. The obtained value is your next payment for electricity.
Increasingly, you can meet two-phase meters, their installation brings a lot of benefits to the owners, because In this case, the night tariff is cheaper. Such meters show the values \u200b\u200bof spent energy in day and night separately. According to the described algorithm, calculate the two values \u200b\u200b- the consumption of electricity over the past period in the daytime and in the night. Multiply each to your tariff and fold the values.
It is important to take the readings of the electric meter every month and timely pay. If this is not done, the serving organization can accrue penalties for the delay of payment.
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