How to save electricity

How to save electricity

Electricity prices are growing annually. Fortunately, there are some simple ways to reduce the amount of electricity consumed.

Turn on the light when it is necessary. Leaving the room, do not forget to turn it off. In the evening, you are going to get 1-2 rooms in the evening, so as not to include lighting throughout the apartment.

Replace your incandescent bulbs on energy saving. Compact fluorescent lamps are used by 75% less energy, and they burn up to 10 times longer than ordinary light bulbs. The rooms require a different degree of illumination. Therefore, before making the purchase of a modern light bulb, analyze the necessary power each.

Install automatic switches. Motion sensors are an ideal solution to illuminate stair cells and a local area. Configure timers to set the light bulb operation.

Turn off the equipment when it is not used. The instruments left in standby mode (televisions, musical systems, telephone chargers, etc.) are able to make up 20% of the total energy consumption in the apartment.

Install the programmable thermostat to accurate temperature adjustment in the apartment (room) during the day. Turn it off every time you leave the house.

Fully download dishwashers and washing machines. Choose the shortest mode of operation that will not affect the ashes of laundry and washing dishes. As far as possible, refuse the function of the drying.

Discard high temperatures when washing clothes and washing dishes. Modern detergents easily cope with pollution in cold water or at a temperature of 30 ° C.

Place the fridge away from the heating devices. Do not affect it direct sunlight. Watch for cleanliness on the back of the refrigerator. Make sure the refrigerator doors closes hermetically.

Regularly defrost the refrigerator. Ice accumulation reduces its energy efficiency. The optimal temperature during the operation of the refrigerator is in the range from +2 to + 4 ° C, freezer - from -15 to -18 ° C.

Prefer the installation of a localized, not centralized air conditioning system. Once a year, call the service service. They must check the refrigerant level in the system, eliminate the accumulated dust.

Consider the use of the fan. The use of ceiling fans will allow you to lower the temperature in the room for less money.

Purchase energy efficient devices. Replacing the old technology on the energy-saving model will significantly save funds in the long run.

Install the solar water heater. With the current increase in electricity tariffs, its payback period will now be no more than 5 years.

Electricity savings will not make you rich, but will help significantly reduce financial expenses.

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