What chandelier to choose

What chandelier to choose

Comfort in the apartment and each room is separately created by dozens of trifles. And even it seemed to be a functional device, like a chandelier, also involved in the formation of an interior style. Thus, when choosing a chandelier, you should pay attention to both its functionality and quality of manufacture, and for compliance with the style of the selected room. Let us dwell on these indicators.

The number of light. The amount of light in the room depends on the power of the chandelier. The power of the chandelier is easy to calculate, folding the power of all lamps that are screwed into it. That is, the chandelier on 7 lamps will be more productive than the chandelier on 3 lamps when using light bulbs in them with the same lighting properties. When choosing a chandelier, focus on the size of the room. So, for the bathroom, toilet, the pantry is suitable with a light stream of up to 100 W. Medium-sized rooms - kitchen, bedroom - require chandeliers in the range of 130-170 W. In the largest premises, such as a hall or living room, the limit of the intensity of the light stream reaches 300 W. It is convenient an option with power regulation. The switch capable of turning on one or more light bulbs in the chandelier will help with the choice of the amount of light for each specific situation.

An important role is played by the choice of light bulbs:

  1. Incandescent lamps. Standard incandescent lamps give less light than luminescent or halogen, they are less durable and strongly heated, which can lead to chandelier parts. Among the advantages of such lamps are soft light, harmless to the eyes and nervous system of man. Such a light is called yellow, and it prefers lovers of spiritual, cozy atmosphere in the room.
  2. Fluorescent lamps. Their cost is significantly higher than the cost of incandescent lamps, however, they are designed for a longer service life and are fairly economical: the lamp with a capacity of 12 W in the amount of light is capable of replacing the incandescent lamp 60 W. Fluorescent lamps give the so-called white, daylight, which is considered to be activating human performance. Remember that with a long stay on such a light or in the case of an excess of fluorescent light, you can get tired of your eyes.
  3. Halogen lamps. Such lamps give the most powerful and bright flow of light, which quickly tires both your eyes and a nervous system. With the choice of halogen for their chandeliers, be extremely careful. To allow such light in residential premises is not recommended.

Chandelier size. In order for the chandelier well to fit into your interior and was not too massive or vice versa invisible, correctly rate the size of the room. Chandeliers are distinguished by the method of their mounting to the ceiling and suspended ceiling:

  1. Suspended chandeliers are descended from the ceiling on the chain or spring and most often are massive, spectacular, truly royal decorations for the room. Such chandeliers require space. Boldly buy a suspension option for a large hall, a living room with high ceilings.
  2. Ceiling chandeliers are chandeliers in the form of ceiling, plates that are attached directly to the ceiling. Such chandeliers will be appropriate in small rooms with low ceilings.

Color light flux. Mostly for residential premises choose daily fluorescent or soft light incandescent bulbs. However, you can give the individuality of your room by creating a lighting of another color by means of colored tubes or lamps. In this matter, the main thing is not to overdo it, as psychologists have proven the influence of color on the state of a person. Therefore, familiarize yourself with the effects of color influence before you add a highlight to your chandelier.

Design. The last barcode in the selection of chandeliers is your personal preferences. The chandelier in the room acts as a combining element of the entire interior, so choose it according to the style of the room. And otherwise let the will of fantasy. It can be a flat plate, glued to the ceiling, a grand constructions with a multitude of twisted jewelry, a cascade of geometric shape plafones, or a weightless design using paper or silk.

The chandelier will be the source of the light and will complete the image of your room. In order not to damage health from a lack or surplus of light, go to her choice responsibly.

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