What to buy air freshener

What to buy air freshener

The modern market provides the buyer a rich selection of air fresheners. Fresheners vary depending on their purpose, odor, packaging form. Some alone flavors are refreshing, others completely eliminate unpleasant odors and deodorize air. Let's figure it out in all this variety and determine which air freshener should be purchased.

Air fresheners are used everywhere. Almost every room requires a separate type of freshener. There are options for toilet rooms, kitchens, residential premises, office, car. This is due to the fact that different odors are eliminated and disguised in different ways. For example, aerosols are perfect for rapidly eliminate smell in the toilet, but they are not recommended to be used in the kitchen: toxic particles spray are settled on dishes and food, after which they fall into the human body. In children's rooms, experts do not advise facilitating flavors. It is better to use air purifiers.

The most common option of air fresheners - spray cans. This species gained popularity due to its availability in stores, a variety of flavors and a low price. Less expensive aerosols only hide unpleasant odors with their aroma. Expensive at the same time deodorize the air and fill in its notes of flowers, herbs, fruit. In most sprays refresh air to a short period of time and are harmful to the environment. Conduct with strong smells, such as the smell of tobacco, not for many aerosols.

To maintain freshness in the toilet room, special toilet blocks are excellent - air freshener in solid form. They are placed inside the toilet and act with each wash. Blocks are almost invisible, you will forget with them not only about their most, but also about the characteristic smell of the bathroom. Bright fragrance such fresheners will not create, but neutralizing smells, they will also successfully cope with bacteria inside the toilet and prevent the appearance of a lime-plane.

For the aromatization of residential and office premises, gel fresheners or oil-based fresheners are best. Such flavors are produced in a variety of forms. Wall-mounted options are attached to the wall and act from pressing the button, releasing the portion of the flavor, which is capable of maintaining the freshness of air to 8 hours. In the modern world, the use of electronic, electrical fresheners and USB fresheners was uncommon. By choosing one of these options, you can forget about the problems of stubble air, since these flavors are triggered automatically through a certain period of time. Many manufacturers offer the configuration function of the air freshener program.

A variety of air fresheners for auto is due to smells of gasoline, dust that invariably appear in the cabin. Most often for cleaning air in the car use plates impregnated with aroma. Cheap and affordable, such fresheners act only a few weeks. Gel flavors are considered more economically, which are small containers filled with aromatic fluid. The most long-playing are solid air fresheners for machines: their deadline reaches 10 months.

As for the choice of smell, then here you can rely on personal preferences. Consider only the fact that some flavors are able to reduce or on the contrary to activate the activity of the brain. Therefore, relaxing chamomile or jasmine is better not to apply in offices and work rooms, as well as in the bedrooms are not recommended, saturated flavors. The smell of the freshener should not irritate and cause allergies. If you have an individual incorrectness of bright flavors like a citrus, manufacturers offer neutral options: rocks of mountain dew, rain, sea breeze and others.

As you can see, for different purposes and premises there are different air flavors. However, fresheners based on gels and oils will not only more economical and efficiently cope with the problems of an unpleasant odor, but also will not harm the environment.

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