How to use waste

How to use waste

Some household waste, which many consider useless, can come in handy gardens, gardeners and maternity owners. How can they be used, you will learn from our material today.

Mashed in the coffee grinder, the egg shell is able to destroy the Medvedka in the garden - an underground insect. For this spring, a little sunflower oil is added to the powder before planting and falling asleep into the furrow at the same time with seeds. For Medvedok, such a treat is better than the roots. They try it and die.

Available tea or coffee thick on dried form can be useful for growing pepper and tomato seedlings. How drainage they fall asleep on the bottom of the tank. This gives a tangible result.

To destroy Tly, core, frozing, spider ticks and scaring the colorado beetles are used by the infusion of onion husk. It is preparing for this: 200g husk poured 5l hot water and insisted 3-4 days. After the filping, the apple trees spray an apple: 2 times after flowering with a weekly interval.

Banana crusts can serve as feeding plants. They are overloaded by providing their roots of their trace elements, the main of which is potassium. It perfectly contributes to the increase in green mass of plants.

Dry tangerine peels will help to drive a voracious mole from the wardrobe. It will keep clothes and give her a pleasant fragrance.

With the help of orange crusts, it is possible to clean the inner surface of the microwave oven. Pile with crusts of two oranges, barely flooded with water, put for 5 minutes to the furnace, which includes full power. The resulting "compote" is wiped into the inside of the furnace. Cleaning occurs quite easily. Repeating constantly such a procedure, detergents can not be used.

The application of the listed tips does not mean at all means that the garbage can now be taken out. In any case, before use, useful waste is processed in a certain way: dried, grind, insist, packaged, etc. Therefore, it is difficult to call them garbage, and to save on such waste, the family budget is quite realistic. What and wish you success!


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