How to make a hookah

How to make a hookah

Many nightclubs and entertainment establishments have holy rooms with a cozy atmosphere. If you decide to recreate such a corner at home, it will be useful for you to find out how to make a hookah so that you get thick smoke and a pleasant taste without bitterness. In our instructions, information is presented for beginners of highway.

To begin with, we find out what kind of hookah design, this knowledge will come in handy with further manipulations. It consists of a flask, a mine, a hookah bowl (chilim) and hoses (or hose in a single copy). In addition, for this venture, you need to stock up on consumer material, and this is foil, holy coal and tobacco. To care for the design, you will need a special ruff and citric acid. Now let's talk directly about the preparation of hookah.

The entire ritual begins with filling the flask with liquid. You can use ordinary water, juices, milk. However, in the latter case, you will have to pay great attention to cleaning the hookah, otherwise you are provided with a rotten smell during smoking. When you pour water, make sure that in Chilim there is enough space for the formation of steam. The end of the rod is immersed in water by about 2-4 centimeters. This is very important, since excessive immersion of the tube will prevent the hookah. This is also fraught with the fact that the liquid can fall into the hose. If it is not placed deep enough, the smoke will be hot when the throat reaches. To make the steam more fragrant, it is customary to add a little wine, juice or fruit essence to the water. Remember that it is not recommended to add strong drinks (adhesive tape, absinthe, cognac), since the result is difficult to predict.

At the next stage, it is recommended to check the tightness of the structure. Most of them are sold with a connecting flask and a shaft with a gasket, which is made of plastic or rubber. They are of high tightness. But if a problem arose with this, it is recommended to use the island. Although this is not entirely aesthetic. After that, you can place a saucer on a hookah. It is necessary to place coals, protect the flooring from a falling ash. It is also convenient to lay the forceps on it. A bowl is placed on it.

Insert the hose into a special port, a less beautiful end. With insufficient tightness, it is recommended to use the corresponding gaskets. If your hookah has more than one hose, but you, as a rule, use only one, then close the second hole with a rubber traffic jam.

The most important step is to score tobacco bowl. Mix the leaves well so that they are covered with syrup and patho. Features of styling depend on your preferences. The classic option is the same: carefully sort out tobacco, select and ruin too large leaves, flush the remaining tobacco and loosely place it in the bowl, there should be a lot of air in the mixture. It is extremely not advisable to compress, as well as score the entire bowl tobacco. On the contrary, it should not stick to the foil, for this it is recommended to leave about 2 millimeters to foil. It is good if you pierce the laid mass with a needle so that the air will come to the smoldering tobacco better. So it will be easier for you to pull the hookah.

Now you can close the tobacco aluminum foil. Its size should be 5 centimeters larger than the diameter of the bowl. You can place it with any side, it does not play a role. Having placed the foil, wrap its bowl so as to create a tension, but you can’t press it, it should not compress tobacco. Fat foil - this, of course, is good, it will be easier to regulate heat, but remember that it cannot be turned, one layer will be enough. Fold the thin foil several times. However, there should not be too many layers, 1-3-just right.

At this stage, we make holes in the foil. To do this, we will use an ordinary needle or pin. But the toothpicks are thicker, put them aside. For a classic Egyptian bowl, this scheme of holes is best suited: a circle along the edge of the bowl and a spiral inside. If your cup has the appearance of a funnel, do three concentric rings. Remember that many holes do not contribute to the release of a large amount of smoke. To do this, you need to reach the balance between tobacco, coals and holes.

It's time to light the coals. For this purpose, matches are used, giving a large fire a fireplace or hookah lighter. Ordinary pocket is not suitable, since you can burn your fingers. Keep the coals conveniently special forceps. Then we act like this: we light a fire, bring it to coal, hold it for several minutes, wait for the coal to burn (while it sparkles and emits caustic smoke), when coal becomes gray from above and red inside - lay it on a tobacco bowl. See that the coal has red. If it is black, do not try to inflate it in place, there will be nothing good, at best an unpleasant odor is guaranteed, and at worst, carbon monoxide poisoning. It is not recommended to light coal over the bowl, otherwise the particles from it will fall into the tobacco and change its taste. If you use natural coal, say, pressed coconut, then consider that it is customary to light it on a gas burner. In the case of a ceramic or glass plate, cracks are possible.

Wait for the bowl to heat up. Then you can push the coals to the edge to avoid combustion of tobacco and the release of caustic smoke. To smoke a hookah, you will have to take 5-10 breaths. But smoking from one puff is impossible. You need to pull slowly, not jerking, tobacco should not bounce. But at the same time it is recommended to take strong breaths. When a pleasant steam goes, and the puffs will become full of smoke - the hookah is ready for use. A hookah with a clay bowl is customary to smoke for 30-40 minutes. With single smoking, you can stretch for an hour. If the hookah is made of fruit, then 50 minutes.

Often, when smoking, some unpleasant moments occur:

  • Sore throat and bitter taste. This happens due to the leakage of joints, especially for the place where the hose joins. It is also recommended to check the coals, suddenly they touch tobacco.
  • If you have to make a great effort when inhaled, then you should pay attention to the water level. Remember that the tube should be immersed by a maximum of 5 cm.

It is not very difficult to care for a hookah. Tobacco is thrown out immediately after cooling the bowl. It is recommended to change water when you change the tobacco variety. However, at least once every 10 bastards. In this case, you need to rinse the flask thoroughly. For such a thing, it is good to use a ruff. The upper part of the structure is washed once every 10-15 bastards. After cooling the bowl, tobacco is thrown away. Remember that detergents are not suitable for caring for hookah. But the hoses are rarely washed, while leather products do not wash at all. After washing, wipe the structure to avoid oxidation.

Almost everything is on this. Keep the hookah, having previously dismantled it. But if you want him to be collected on your shelf, remove at least the hoses. This is due to the fact that their frame is made of a metal spring that can rust. If you need to move the hookah, hold it!

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