How to make eyelets

How to make eyelets

Method of attachment of curtains to the eaves of the window determines the appearance of the composition. Particularly useful accessories also play an important role. Eyelets - special rings that surround the holes in the upper edge of the curtains, when stringing them onto the ledge on the fabric a uniform neat folds. Curtains on the grommet always look original, stylish, elegant. Make eyelets with his hands just enough.

Getting Started

To make grommets with their own hands, we need:

  • lyuversnaya tape or interlining;
  • scissors;
  • thread, needles;
  • iron;
  • sewing machine.

Selection of eyelets

Fittings can be made of metal and plastic. For attaching the metal eyelets the curtains to use special equipment, so we choose plastic. Their price is much lower, plastic does not oxidize when washed, does not damage the bar cornice. Shape of eyelets can be absolutely diverse: standard circular, square, unusual asymmetric shape. Their shade depends entirely on your imagination, it can match the color of curtains, ceiling moldings, cornice can be decorated with ornaments, imitating wood or metal. eyelets size ranges from 1 to 6 cm, it should be chosen with the expectation of the magnitude of the window opening, the length of the eaves, the width (inner diameter eyelets should be 1-2 cm wider than the eaves).

curtain material

The choice of fabrics for curtains depends on the design of the room, the need to pass the sunlight and the taste preferences of the owner. curtain fabric can be a dense, heavy, so delicate and tender. In this case, the upper edge of the curtains sewn strip of thick fabric, which will be mounted eyelets. Massive thanks to drape fabric eyelets will have a light, elegant appearance.

preparation curtains

In the case of too soft tissues require additional training:

  • Lyuversnuyu tape or interlining attach to the top edge of the fabric.
  • Glue her iron.
  • From two sides you need to see the lubricant tape, retreating 5 mm from its edge.
  • Attach the chammess to the fabric. Their quantity should be even, otherwise, one edge will be sent inside the room, which will give the window to the window not aesthetic appearance, regardless of the processing of the fabric.
  • Make marks in the center of each lover, the distance between them should be 15-25 cm, depending on the desired size of the fold, but not less than two diameters of the challenge.
  • Drive the ring on the inner edge.
  • Cut the fabric fragments inside, 2-3 mm more drawn circles.

Krepim Liverness

The records are simply fastened to the obtained holes with a slight pressure before clicking. Usually they are hanging on the barbecue bar, which has sold it through the rings. The champs that have a small diameter are attached to the eaves using special S-shaped hooks or a rope, the curtain length in this case should be shorter than with the usual use of records. Posted by the finished composition of originality, it is possible to emphasize the stylistic direction using a variety of decorative accessories (pickups, tassels, ropes, locksters).

Curtains on the chalivers are extremely comfortable, practical in operation. They with ease dressed and removed, move around the eaves, do not scrape, the folds always look carefully.

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