Domestic gas leak, how to determine

Domestic gas leak, how to determine

Gas made a person’s life easier and more comfortable. But it is enough to miss the moment - and the usual assistant turns into a formidable enemy. Proper operation of gas equipment, timely detection and elimination of problems will prevent dangerous consequences. Determine the gas leak in several methods.

By smell

A special odorous component was added to the household gas to quickly prevent emergency situations. The appearance of a characteristic odor in the room is an alarming signal. Be sure to teach the child if he felt the smell of gas, immediately inform adults about it.


The gas under pressure flows a strong stream with a hissing sound. The source can not only damage in the gas line or places of connection with gas devices, but also a flooded burner.

To the touch

Drive your hand along all the gas pipeline joints available in the room. The outlet gas will be slightly cold in the skin. For greater sensitivity, this manipulation is made with wet hands.

Why, hesitating-smoking

With soap emulsion

Foam soap in a small amount of water. Cover the gas pipeline, all joints with a wide brush or a small sponge. Soap bubbles will appear at the leakage site.


Using gazoanizers sensors

Household gas leakage controllers determine the level of gas aggression, and a sound signal reports a problem. Sensors with a valve not only monitor the content of a dangerous mixture in the air, but in an emergency, they automatically overlap the gas line. Installation of devices-detectors is carried out independently or using a specialist.

General recommendations

It is better to determine suspicious areas in several ways at once, since the absence of one of the signs does not always indicate complete serviceability. For example, with weak pressure, gas coming out of a flooded burner is almost unable. If the kitchen and the bathroom are well ventilated or the person is reduced in a person, it is preferable to use the method of washing. Never look for a source of flowing with a clamping match, lighter! Feeling a strong specific smell, do not turn on or turn off the light, turn off all the electrical appliances from the network.

Important! No matter how the leak is revealed, the algorithm of subsequent actions always looks like this:

  • close the shut -off crane of the gas pipeline immediately;
  • ventilate the room;
  • call the gas service.


Prevention of leakage contributes to the prevention of catastrophic consequences:

  • Periodically check the tightness of the joints at the input/output of gas devices.
  • Pay attention to the integrity of the hose connecting the kitchen plate with the main pipeline, a gas cylinder.
  • Regularly check the thrust of intra -apartment and intra -ventilation ducts, chimneys. Clean if necessary.

The incomplete combustion of household gas, when instead of an even blue light of the burner lights up with yellow-orange color, is no less dangerous leakage. In order not to be poisoned by toxic products of incomplete combustion, ventilate the rooms more often. Put large pots on special burners with high ribs.

Modern gas equipment becomes more intellectual in terms of various degrees of protection. For the sake of preserving your and other people's lives, health, property, update and repair the appliances operating on gas in a timely manner. In pursuit of savings, never neglect safety.

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