How to fill the checkbook

How to fill the checkbook

Bank checks are so confidently included in the life of a modern man that the discrade of such a document in current realities will surprise.

But here is not enough, the check is a security that "does not like" errors, typos and other inaccuracies. Therefore, however, the success in your checkbook will be completed, the success of documents in the bank depends on how correctly. With the help of a check, the person specified in the document has the right to cash out the amount of which is also specified in the document.

How to fill a checkbook: General rules

When the check is discharged, it is important not only to correctly specify payment data - details, the amount, information about the bearer, but also to comply with the general rules for filling out this type of document.

  • All entries in the check are made in ink and by hand. Paste color can be blue, black or purple.
  • All details are entered into strictly defined graphs for these purposes and in the prescribed manner. It is not allowed to act beyond the reserved fields, errors and their correction is also not allowed. Otherwise, the check is considered spoiled and you need to write down a new document. At the same time, the "old" sheet does not break away. You should gently cross it out and record "canceled".
  • The receipt amount is indicated by the numbers from the very beginning (left edge) string. If the amount of payment does not provide for the presence of kopecks, the dummy is put in this graph - two horizontal lines.
  • Information in the Graphs "Pay" and "amount in words" is made from the capital letter. Free after filling the place in these lines are bored with a double horizontal line.
  • Signatures that are affixed in the check must comply with sample signatures declared by the banking institution.

How to Fill the Checkbook: Making the necessary information

The check form consists of two parts - the root, which remains in the checkbook, and the tear-off part, which the representative of the bank takes. For enterprises, the required shelf life of the checkbook is 3 years.

Filling the front of the check

  • Counts "Chekodator" and "Check Accountant Account" contain information about who issues this check (private data or organization name) and from which current account will be written off.
  • After filling the amount "numbers", the place and date of the check of the check. As for the latter - a month indicate in words.
  • "Name of the Bank's institution" is a credit institution in which the check will be core. This field may contain a bank stamp.
  • Next, specify information about the recipient of money - its last name, name and patronymic in the duty case, contribute to the Count "Pay". At the same time, compliance with the transfer rules is optional - writing one letter in the string is allowed.
  • After once again specify the Suma - "amount in words". The data is entered in the nominative case, the name of the currency ("Ruble", "Ruble", "rubles") are written completely.
  • The signature of the responsible person is located strictly in the place allotted for it - without crushing the amount to receive.

When filling in the front of the check, it is also necessary to fill in the fields of the root - the amount and date of issue, the data of the person who is discharged, the date of receipt and signature of responsible persons.

Filling the back of the check

Turning the check on the opposite direction, you will see several more fields that must also be filled.

  • The table must specify the assignment of the received funds - "goals of expenses". Among them are wages (be sure to specify the period), payment of travel, other needs (indicate which).
  • In the neighboring column, opposite these assignments of the funds issued, the amount of expenses (figures) is made.
  • Complete the filling of the signature table of responsible persons.

Next, it is necessary to once again indicate the recipient of the money (his last name) and the identity data of the document - passport, the room, by whom when and where is issued. On the reverse side of the root, data is indicated on the posting of the received funds - the number and date of the cash order, as well as the signature of the responsible person.

The format of the check format may differ depending on the financial institution - the sequence or place of placement of fields for filling, but the rules and requirements for making data into the checkbook are united for all banks.

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