How to use Sberbank online

How to use Sberbank online

A very convenient way to manage a bank card is the Sberbank online system. After all, you can, without distracted by home affairs or work, see the balance, pay bills, replenish the account of mobile communications, as well as many other features.

To use the "Sberbank online", you need to insert your card in any ATM in any ATM, enter the PIN code, select Mobile Bank and Sberbank item from the proposed menu, and then press "get a permanent password", and after receiving the check, choose "get a list of one-one Passwords, "take a check. It is important to know that one-time passwords are active with the last printed check, even if we have not yet used all one-time passwords from the previous check.

In the search engine, we gain "Sberbank online", the first in the list will be, open it.

To log in to the Sberbank online system, you will need the first check with a constant password. In the "Identifier or Login" field, we enter a value of 10 digits, printed in the check under the "user ID", in the "Password" field on the site I enter a set of characters from a check, located under the words "Permanent Password", it is important to consider what should Be a British keyboard layout and included Caps Lock.

On the page that opens, click "Continue."

On the new page, click on the link "Cancel" or close the window by clicking on a barely noticeable gray cross in the upper right corner of the flying message.

We bring the mouse to the "Another confirmation method" link and click on the drop-down link "Password from Check".


We will be offered to enter a one-time password, printed under a number of number in such a check. We also do not forget that the letters introduce the English large. We enter a password from the second long check and click the "Confirm" button.

The main page will open, our personal account in which the balance of the card (current residue) is seen. Under the map number there is a link "Show operations" by clicking on it, we will see a list of the three recent operations. Clicking once on this list, we will open a list of the 10 recent operations. The service is free and very convenient because it helps to control the flow of money.

Over this list of operations we see that one of the three bookmarks is active, which is called "Recent Operations". Go to the next bookmark "Detailed information" and we see all the details of our card, including the end of the validity period. There is also a "graphic extract" tab, where the operations on the map for the selected period are presented in the form of a diagram.

To replenish the balance of the mobile phone, as well as to spend all the necessary payments, by downloading the tab "Payments and Translations".

Summing up, let's say that through the Sberbank online system, you can perform all actions programmed in ATMs without leaving home. The developers of this site created an intuitive interface for the convenience of the Bank's customers. Therefore, having learned once with this instruction to use Sberbank online, in the future to make any necessary actions with the card will not be difficult.

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