The loan is essentially an interest-free loan or a loan with a very low rate, so it is unprofitable to credit institutions and private companies. The loan is increasingly expressed in the form of support for its employees or the state - its citizens. About the target loan for the construction of housing, we will describe in more detail.
To get a loan to construction, the following documents will be needed:- documents certifying the identity of each spouse, registration;
- Inn;
- pension certificates;
- certificate of income and extract from the employment record, as well as a certificate of the state of the retirement account from the place of work;
- marriage certificate and his certified copy;
- certificate of birth of children.
The process of issuing an application for a loan for construction is quite long and costly. You will have to lose one day to get some kind of reference in the next bureau. All these costs are cost-effective only when the loan value is large enough. Otherwise, it is more profitable to build a house at the expense of a consumer loan, with him less documentary rolls and get it much easier.