How and where they give a loan without an employment record

How and where they give a loan without an employment record

When money urgently needs, there is no time to collect a huge package of documents for the bank. The requirement for providing an employment record and seems to be overwhelmed at all, given the fact that today many get good earnings on the Internet. There are several ways and places where you can take a loan without a workbook.

The fastest and most convenient way to design a loan without an employment record is to use express lending services. Such a loan can be taken by having only a passport with me. Express lending services are provided in shopping centers, large household appliances stores.

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Despite all the convenience of express lending, there are significant cons. The loan amount does not exceed 300.000 rubles., And sometimes limited to 100,000 rubles. The term of the loan is no more than three years, the percentage of the loan is very high. In some cases, you can stumble upon fraudsters that will take advantage of your passport data in your own interests.

Credit registration in the bank office is safer. Take a loan directly in the bank without a workbook can be secured. To do this, you must provide documents on the car or apartment, depending on what you want to use as a collateral. The main thing is that the value of the deposit fully covers the loan amount.

If you have nothing to put in a deposit, try to bring the guarantor. The guarantor must be solvent and inspire confidence in the bank. The loan amount with the guarantee is small, most likely, it will be a consumer loan.

Many banks instead of employment records require a certificate of average income from the place of work. The main condition so that the borrower worked for more than six months at the current place of work.

Since all banks put forward various requirements for borrowers, you can use the services of sites engaged in the search for banks on the necessary parameters. Here you can place an online application and specify a list of documents you are willing to provide. Automatically the site will select you banks, ready to issue a loan on your conditions.

Cost to consider that the loan amount without workbook will always be small. Most likely, you will not be able to count on a car loan or mortgage.

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