How to patent an idea

How to patent an idea

If you are inspiration, and an amazing idea came to mind, you can forever consolidate her authorship for your person. And you should not postpone it on "ever", because your discovery can intercept and then earn money and glory instead of you. Do not know where to start? We will tell you how to do it.

How to patent the idea: where to start?

A patent is a document confirming your exclusive right to possess the invention of an industrial or intellectual invention.

So, the idea came to you. But, according to the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, it is impossible to patent an intangible thing. Therefore, in order to officially issue an idea, you need to give it a tangible form.

Remember! Your idea should be exclusive and unofficable.

  • First decide which category of inventions your idea relates. It can be an intelligent product, such as verse, artistic image, picture, essay. Or it may be an idea for the manufacture of industrial production, such as engineering device, style clothing, household appliance.
  • Next, you need to transform your thought to the material sample: Publish your scientific work or create a development layout. And only after that, when your idea can be touched with your hands, read and see, you can go to the patent.

If you are not sure that you can cope with yourself, you can entrust the legal entity of the Patenting to authorized persons - patent attorney.

How to patent the idea - process

The patent is forever consolidates the authorship for the invention and gives you only the right to use its idea for material enrichment. Getting this document is a long and labor-intensive process. But knowing all the subtleties of this procedure, you can save your strength and time.

  • Collect all documentary and material confirmation of your idea. These are drawings, layout, technical description, product design. All submitted documents and samples Patent Commission will carefully check for utility and uniqueness.
  • In the Russian Federation, accepts applications for the issuance of a patent executive body - Rospatent. Submitting a statement, be sure to attach high-quality photos and drawings of the sample, or the textual content of the intelligent product.
  • Acceptance of the application will take place in two stages: First, the correctness of the paperwork and their equipment is checked, and then considered how unique is your product, and there is no analogues of similar products.
  • In order not to guess whether your idea of \u200b\u200bthe Patenting Process will pass, you can contact special agencies offering a patent attorney services. He analyzes the market segment to which your idea will be owned and will appreciate your chances of receiving a patent. Then, the attorney will help competently arrange documents and apply. True, the services of such agency are far from cheap.

To get a patent will need money and time. But you will agree, it is better to try a little, rather than watch, as someone else earns on your idea.

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