How to grow canna

How to grow canna

Cannes are excellent exotic flowers. They have an unusual form, bright color and a gorgeous framing of juicy wide leaves. These perennial plants come from warm tropical countries. Despite this, and in the harsh Russian climate you can see how Cannes decorate the most beautiful flower beds and lawns.

Cannes seeds have a rather solid shell, for this reason you need to soften them before landing. You can do this by zamarozka for 2 hours or vice versa - put the seeds in boiling water for 3-4 hours. In February, you can hang up the prepared seeds in a light loose soil. There must be not bright lighting, and the temperature is 22-23 degrees.

A month later, the first fragile shoots will appear. When the first leaflets are formed on seedlings, at least 3-4 pieces, you can transplant them into individual pots. There canna sprouts will be until the end of May. Then you can transplant them on the flowerbed. The first flowering will appear only next year, but some plants can please the flowers and this season.

In view of the savings of time and strength, as well as to achieve the best results, Cannes most often breed with tubers. Rhizomes are divided in such a way that 1-2 good kidneys are located on each club. The slice on the club is processed with crowded coal and dried a little. The soil preparation should be started when the earth will warm up, will become soft, and the threat of frosts.

Cannes are not particularly whimsical flowers, but the most optimal soil for them is a mixture of sand, peat and humus. Place for the flower beds should be chosen solar and, if possible, protected from wind. Chann's tubers are lowered into the ground to a depth of 7-10 cm and at least 50-60 cm from each other.

If there is no confidence in the fertility of the soil, that is, it makes sense to make a dull gasket. To do this, it is necessary to dig a pit of about 50 by 50 cm and 50-60 cm deep. The fresh horse manure is stacked with a thickness of 20-25 cm with a thickness of 20-25 cm, the earth is poured. Gradual rotation of the manure will give food and heat roots, which will ensure lush and abundant flowering.

Until that moment, until they sprouted the first shoots, the Earth must be discreeting several times with mineral fertilizers and provide moderate watering. During flowering, more abundant soil moisturizing is required. And by September, when blooming will decline, the amount of water is gradually reduced.

Before the onset of the first colds, the sworded cannes highly plunge to protect against bad weather. And how was the time of frosts come? Stems cut and dig tubers along with a small amount of land for storing for the winter. Winter cannes are best in a box or drawer, rushed land, peat and wood sawdust. Temperature should be 5-8 degrees and humidity 50-60%.

Another option to store rhizomes is to remove them into the refrigerator. After the tubers dug up, you need to carefully clean them from the ground and rinse under running water. Then for an hour to withstand in a weak mortar for disinfection. And when they are dried, carefully wrap each root into paper and remove the refrigerator in the vegetable.

At home, these wonderful flowers feel no less comfortable than in the garden. Care in the apartment is even easier than on the street, since there is no wind, weeds and parasites. It is enough to provide a sunny place, watering, if necessary, and sometimes wipe the wider leaves of Cannes with a damp cloth.

To please the flowering home Cannes will be longer than her street conifers. And the vegetative period will take just a couple of months. When flowering is suitable for an end, it is necessary to reduce watering, reducing it to zero. After that, cut dry leaves, leaving a funeral of 10-15 cm in height. In this form, the pot is cleaned into the dark, dry place with a temperature of 10-15 degrees. In the spring, you can dig tubers, and dividing them, again planted on the windowsill or transfer to the garden.

Cannes flowers have a numerous coloring palette. Often you can see how they are the central decoration of the flower in high-ranking buildings and institutions. These plants have only one drawback or rather even a feature. With all its beauty, these flowers do not smell completely.

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