How to win a lottery

How to win a lottery

So I want to get something just like that. Just because you are lucky. Thousand rubles, for example, win. Or car. And even better - to rip the jack-sweat!

Dream to win in the lottery

How sweet feeling of imaginary victory in the lottery! Here you bought a ticket, I hung up for intuition or folded the dates of my birth, noted the necessary numbers or erased the right square, and fate turned out to be favorable for winning. On the horizon I walked the house by the sea and family business, the parents go to rest to Europe, and the children went to the best school of the city ... and everything is just because once you bought a lottery ticket.

Are there real ways to win in the lottery? Maybe catch good luck for the tail and not to release until you are gracious to you? In fact, not all people play the lottery for the sake of a huge win. Many are fascinated by the process itself when adrenaline boys, and Fortuna passes the checker for favor. But most of us are tuned to the material outcome - money, household appliances, cars and apartments.

Five ways to win in the lottery

So, you bought a ticket and opened this article. Now we will tell about five completely different tactics of lottery games that will bring closer to the cherished win. They can be used both individually and combining.

  • Intuition and luck. Think about how often you are lucky? Did you come across a "happy ticket" while studying, or maybe during the flight your place in the plane was sold for a technical error twice, and you were transplanted to the business class? If the answer is "yes" and you were born with a laptop of lucky, you can safely rely on your intuition and luck. In this case, it is enough easy to buy a ticket, who finishes it from those that the seller suggested you.
  • Numerology. It happens that the figure "7" always brings good luck. And kefir, purchased the third number of the third month at three in the afternoon can be sour, even if not overdue. In this case, they say - "not your day" or "not your number". According to the science of numerology, it is possible to determine the favorable days for each person based on its personal data. The easiest way to calculate one of your lucky numbers is to fold the digits of the date of birth. If you know the exact place of your birth, you can see in Google cards width and longitude and folded together - this is your second happy number. Are you bonded by wedding bonds and consider your union successful? Boldly fold the numbers of your wedding dates - this is your third lucky number. Well, so on.
  • Self-program. If autotrehenings from the category "I am the most charming and fascinating" allow you to be self-improvement, you can try the method of self-program to succeed. No computing and no magic, only faith. The thought of winning should strengthen in your consciousness and go to the subconscious level. To achieve the result, you can also make a card of desires to put your photo with a huge bag of money. You can simply draw yourself with money or a winning ticket and the story on the wall opposite the desktop.
  • Methods of special services. Many abilities of our body are not fully investigated. It is believed that at the moments of danger with a large surge of adrenaline, the consciousness expands and lightning non-standard ways to solve the situation or inhuman physical strength come to mind. If at such a moment it is not about salvation at such a moment, but about winning in the lottery, it is likely that the numbers designed specifically for you will come to mind. At home, the method of expanding consciousness can be reproduced with very hot and ice water. One leg is lowered in hot water, another in the cold - the brain is confused, it is hot or cold to you, and connects additional reserves of obtaining information. It is at this moment that it is necessary to internally focus on the numbers that come to your mind.
  • Repetition method. There is nothing easier than every week to bet on the same combination of numbers. For probability theory sooner or later you have to win. It will happen in two months or seventeen years - unknown. Therefore, if you are not a hurry, then this method is for you!

It must be remembered that the passion for gambling can lead to dependence. But to catch good luck for the tail at least once in life it is definitely worth it!

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