How to call Belarus

How to call Belarus

Calls to Belorussia do not differ from calls to any other country of the world. To do this, you need to know the city code and the actual number of the called subscriber.

How to call Belarus - Cities of Belarus and their phone codes

In Belarus, there are only six regional centers. This is: Minsk, Mogilev, Grodno, Gomel, Brest and Vitebsk. Each area is assigned a unique phone code:

  • Minsk - 017;
  • Mogilev - 022;
  • Grodno - 015;
  • Gomel - 023;
  • Brest - 016;
  • Vitebsk - 021.

Three-digit code (017), which is assigned to the Minsk region, completely coincides with the code of the capital, i.e. The same numbers: 017. Other regional centers after three indicated numbers have even additional. For instance:

  • Brest - 0162;
  • Vitebsk - 0212;
  • Grodno - 0152.

Full list of telephone codes of Belarus cities you can find here. Please note that if the phone number you are going to call consists of 6 (six) numbers, then the city code will be four-digit. If the number of the called subscriber consists of 5 (five) numbers, the code increases by one digit. For example, in the city of Gomel there are rooms and six-digit, and five-digit. In the first case, the code 0232 is applied, in the second - 02322.

How to call Belarus within the country

From one Belarusian region to another Belarusian region, call: 8 code of the city-number of the phone.

For example, you need to call from the city of Shumilino Vitebsk region to the city of Voronovo Grodno region. The number of the called subscriber consists of five conventional numbers (XXXXX).

  • Find out Code Voronovo - it's 01594.
  • Dial 8 - this is a long-distance code.
  • Dial the Code of Woronov - 01594.
  • Dial the number of the called subscriber - XXXX.

The call will look like: 8-01594-XXXX.

How to call Belarus from another country

From any other country to call Belarus is also very easy:

  • Dial +375 is an international communication code.
  • Dial the code of the Belarusian city.
  • Dial the number of the called subscriber.

Example: Call from Russian Tyumen or Ukrainian Kharkov to Belarusian Polotsk will look like this:

+ 375-214-xxxxxxx. Here: +375 - Unified International Code, 214 - Code of the city of Polotsk, XXXXXX - subscriber number.

How to call Belarus to mobile phone

In Belarus, there are four mobile operators and to call a friend, you need to know which operator it serves. Codes of Belarusian mobile operators:

  • MTS - 29 and 33. 29 serves novice numbers from numbers 2,5,7 and 8. 33 Serves numbers starting with 0 and to 9.
  • Velkom - 29 and 44. 29 serves numbers starting with 1.3, 6 and 9. 44 serves the numbers from 0 and to 9.
  • Life - 25. serves all its numbers.
  • DIALLOG - 29. All rooms of this operator begin to figure 4.

To call Belarus from a mobile phone to mobile or from a stationary phone to mobile, you need to dial: + 375 operator number of the phone number of the called subscriber. "+" When calling from a landline phone is replaced with the number "8" (if you are going to carry out the call within the country of Belarus) and on "8 10" (if you are going to do from another country).

When set of numbers "8" (long-distance communication code), be sure to wait for a long beep. Only after its appearance, continue the set of the city code and the subscriber's phone.

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