Everyone can make a mistake. Even in the number of a long -known number. If you accidentally put funds on the wrong mobile when enrolling, do not be upset, because you can return the money, even if the user has already managed to spend your translation. The return procedure depends on which operator the subscriber belongs to whom you credited the money. Consider each method of return in detail.
How to return the money if they put it on the numbers of MTS, megaphone or Beeline
The three largest operators are the so -called “big three”. Their services are very similar and any user, moving from one operator to another, will be able to very quickly get comfortable with options and settings. Therefore, all three have a “erroneous translation” service. Look at the methods of each operator individually, but, for starters, be sure to check which operator the number of another subscriber belongs to. To do this, dial on your phone the command *444 *Number of the_lephone#call key. Please note that the number is entered without the number 8 or 7 at the beginning.
A prerequisite is the belonging of another subscriber also to the MTS mobile operator. If you checked his number on the USSD command indicated above, and the subscriber really has a number from MTS, then check if the situation satisfies the following points:
- no more than two weeks have passed since the erroneous replenishment,
- you confused no more than three digits of the phone number,
- in an erroneous number, a sequence of no more than four digits is violated.
If all points are not violated, then you can independently fill out the application form about an erroneous payment of the link to the official website: http://www.mts.ru/mob_connectand select the desired sample.
After that, send your filled form through the MTS feedback form: http://www.pda.mts.ru/feedback Be sure to specify your region on top and fill out all the fields.
If the points do not satisfy all the rules or you put the money on the number of the subscriber of another operator. Take a check from the terminal, passport and head to the nearest MTS office. You can see all communication salons at the link: http://www.mts.ru/mobil_inet_and_tv Choose your region and city.
The Beeline operator also has a number of conditions for a quick return of funds:
- and you and the erroneous number of the subscriber should be from Beeline,
- you were mistaken in no more than two numbers,
- less than two weeks have passed since the replenishment,
- the number of the subscriber does not start with the number 6. For example, +7 6 ** *** ** **.
If the situation is suitable for all conditions, then follow the link to the Beeline website: https://moskva.beeline.ru/customers And download the application forms. After that, fill them out and insert them into a special form, also do not forget to indicate the correct number on the site and confirmation code.
But if the conditions are not respected, then you need to contact your passport to the nearest office of the Beeline mobile operator, you can find out the location of which you can by the link: http://moskva.beeline.ru/customers Do not forget to choose your city in the website of the site.
The conditions of the company Megafon are very similar to Beeline:
- no more than two weeks have passed since the replenishment,
- no more than two errors are made in the room,
- an erroneous number also belongs to the Megafon mobile operator.
You can get a return by phone 8 800 550–70–95, following the instructions of the operator, you will quickly return your own funds.
If not all conditions are met, then do not forget the passport and check from the terminal, heading for the Megafon office. You can find out the coverage and time of the stores by the link: https://moscow.megafon.ru/help/offices In the website of the site, also indicate your city.
How to return the funds laid out to that number using the number on the terminal
If you credited the funds through the payment terminal, you could notice that almost every such automated terminal has a hot line number on the front. By calling this number, you can return your funds by calling all the data from the check: the exact time is up to seconds, a special code, as well as the number of enrollment.
If you did not find such a number, then look for it on the check at the very top or below. It will certainly be indicated and is free.
Other ways to return the money credited to the wrong room
In addition to the proposed options, do not forget that the person to whom you have credited the funds may be quite respectable and will return you the amount of translation. Just write an SMS message with an explanation of the situation and a request to return the money or call it.
If you transferred money from a bank card, then the decision is even easier: write to the online support chat of customers that is in the personal account of each bank, and inform about your problem. Funds will return to you in full after processing the application.
Return to Beeline through the site does not work. The confirmation code does not come