How to change the bill on biline

How to change the bill on biline

Now the subscribers of the mobile operator Beeline can independently do their number. You do not need to choose ready-made options that you may not like at all. In your new number you can place a memorable date, birthday, whose name, word and even determine the order of numbers. Remember such a number and your acquaintances will be very simple. There are three ways to change the phone number on biline.

How to change the bill on biline in the communication salon

Just take your passport and sim card, and go to the nearest cellular salon of the Beeline operator. You can find all addresses on the official website on the link: Choose your city in the upper left corner and find a suitable store.

Changing the room in the cabin will occur free, and the use of boulder communication services does not matter.

How to change the bail number through the official website

  • The "New Number" service is carried out through the appropriate page on the site. Enter your phone number in the window.

Note, depending on which status will be assigned to your number after filling out all the necessary data, its cost will change. A simple number costs 30 rubles, bronze - one thousand, the silver room will cost five thousand, and gold - fifteen.

  • look at the table that appears, the very first tab "Random numbers" will assign you the number of randomly selected numbers, participation in the creation of the number you will not accept;
  • the following tab "Numbers" allows you to create a number with a combination of the numbers important for you, their number ranges from two to seven;
  • if you decide to create a number using this tab, enter the numbers and click the "Show options" button;
  • you will be offered numbers including this combination.

  • the "Words" tab allows you to generate numbers according to the word as if you scored it on the keyboard of the phone;

  • the number of characters entered should be from three to seven. Enter the word and click "show options";
  • if you have an old number that you miss or want a phone number, similar to someone, select the cell "similar number";
  • just enter the phone number and select the most suitable;

  • when it is not possible to remember the complex number, there is a way to change it to convenient - select "Designer";

  • here you can arrange conformity, for example, that the first figure is the same as the latter. Or make two penulty identical;
  • if this option did not come up, try inserting the date number in the next cell;
  • the system will make the number that contains the memorable date you specified.

After selecting the number, pay the changes and use it on the same day.

How to change the bill on the bail using the communication operator

Call the number 0611 or 8 800 700 0611 and tell me the operator that you wish to change the number. Everything will happen for free, but you cannot choose certain numbers.

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