Contact Beeline Operator

Contact Beeline Operator

There are several ways to communicate with the Beeline operator.

How to contact Beeline Operator - Call

The communication method directly depends on how the phone and where to call.

How to call the operator from your phone or from another mobile beeline?

For all Beeline subscribers, there is a quick set by the number 0611. The call is free. By calling 0611, listen carefully and select the appropriate partition from the voice menu list (contact with the operator), by pressing the desired key.

Biline has no standard menu. In various regions of the country, the menu can be slightly different. Standard functions in all:

  • listen again -  9;
  • return to the previous item - #;
  • return to Main Menu - *.

Convenient function - order a service "We will call you back." Now it is not necessary to wait until someone respond. If there are no free operators, the voice menu offers to use the opportunity to order the operator's call. The operator will call back for free.

Communication with the operator

How to call the Beeline operator from another mobile operator or from a landline phone?

We recruit the phone number: 8 (800) 700-0611

The call is free. As a rule, it is not worth waiting for longer than five minutes.

Calls from stationary

How to contact the Beeline operator, being abroad?

We recruit the number: +7 (495) 974-8888

In the voice menu, choose which specialist is required to connect. The call is free if you call from biline.


How to contact Beeline Operator - Send SMS

The operator is optional to call. He can write SMS with the question of interest and for some time a response SMS will come.

SMS send free by number: 0622

The operator does not respond round the clock to SMS. From 1:00 am and until 7:00 am, the response service via SMS does not work.

SMS operator

How to contact Beeline operator online chat?

  • On the Internet site Beeline has a special button to "ask a question". The electronic assistant copes with most standard questions. In addition, it may be prompted to use technical support or chat services.

Electronic assistant

  • By selecting the "Technical Support" button, the feedback form opens in which you specify the question and select a way to get a response: order a call to the phone, get an answer by email.


  • Choosing communication in the chat, opens a short online form by filling out which, go to chat and ask questions to the operator.

How to contact the Beeline operator through the WhatsApp application?

The list of numbers on WhatsApp add contact +7 (968) 600-0611, after which you immediately write messages with the objects of interest to questions.

Calling through WhatsApp You can not communicate exclusively in messages.

Communication through WhatsApp is a convenient option when there is no possibility to make free calling from Bilain, for example, being abroad.

Beeline Subscriber Support Services

In addition to the number 8 (800) 700-0611, according to which specialists advise on any communication and Internet issues, there are some more special numbers:

  • questions on the work of the USB modem - 8 (800) 700-0080;
  • questions for Wi-Fi - 8 (800) 700-2111;
  • questions on the work of television and the Internet - 8 (800) 700-8000.

Tech support

Comments leave a comment
Basil 28/05/2017 at 19:40

it is impossible to obtain a consultation of the operator, you shall the suggestions and advertising, I need consultation of the operator of technical support

Alexei 30/05/2017 at 7:09.

In the subsequent time, it is impossible to contact a voice operator by calling at the necessary number found out that the tariff changed to many it is unprofitable for us this bench ???

Lyudmila Ivanovna 05/06/2017 at 13:01

People are not connected. This crooks take money and rejoice that they are deceiving pensioners. The tariffs are like that they want to become richer. Do not report anything. It's not possible.

Michael 07/21/2017 at 22:49.

that's right. Contact is impossible. You need to change the operator. Money takes off just like that. Comes message. "Removed for the previously unpaid period" It remains to find out what operator maneunts more beautiful and unnoticed

Michael 07/22/2017 at 20:03

Contact this operator did not vozmozhno.Pishut number of clients increases, thus increasing profits why is the number of operators does not grow, they do not have enough communication with them net.Eto humiliating wait 10 minutes and I was waiting for more communication net.Uvelichte number of times they are not operators missing.

Roma. 08/17/2017 at 2:23 am

VERY BAD ALL BY BEELINE Kashmar Shocking bothered

Peter 10.10.2017 at 18:51

i now put money on phone 1500 rubles and not on the number that do

    Purring 10.19.2017 at 15:59

    You need to go to the salon Beeline and write a statement in which states that the transfer of money was an invalid number, and is written right. The operator receives a statement in a few days the money must be returned.

Sergei 01.12.2017 at 19:02

People write that there is no possibility of contact with the operator, and in response to the silence, in the comments do not respond.
Hoisted on the cellular and dictate the Wishlist as it suits them, they are enraged, but no one wants to go is not accustomed. So bear with monopolists.

Victor 02.15.2018 at 12:32

twice removed abonplatu.14.02i15.0218 per day

Nicholas. 09.25.2018 at 18:05

Communication terrible across the Yaroslavl region.
In 2017, the operator Beeline even as it supports cellular.
Now the 2018 call immediately, but maybe, but no hearing.
Attracted retirees - Truckers attractive tariffs for mobile communication Beeline, pay rate, and can not talk. That though is to understand and make out a few words to the subscriber (pensionera- summer resident) should be run (80 year old man) around the dacha in the Yaroslavl Oblast Pereslavl district Grigorovo village to find a place where you can hear a few words of the native voice.
Easier to reach a subscriber abroad than in the Yaroslavl region.
Dear leaders of Beeline, do at least something to improve communication.


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