How to cook electrical welding correctly

How to cook electrical welding correctly

Welding is the most reliable way to connect all-in-point details. It is widely used in everyday life in the manufacture of greenhouse frames, hedges, bathing stoves, as well as various tanks. A person who owns the Aza welding works can create real masterpieces for roofs for roofs, openwork fences and various things necessary in everyday life.

How to cook electric welding - where to start?

First of all, the equipment should be prepared. You will need:

  • welding machine;
  • electrodes;
  • brush;
  • hammer.

It will not be superfluous to take care of protection. Prepare a welding mask and tight clothing with gloves. You also need a welding rectifier, an inverter or rectifier (devices that convert the alternating current to constant).

How to cook electric welding - choose electrodes

Arc welding is the most common, electrodes are used with it, bringing the current to the welding seam. The electrode is a wire consisting of a special melting powder. If you first encountered welding, we recommend starting from electrodes made in the form of solid rods covered with special melting composition. Even a beginner will be able to make a neat smooth neck.

How to cook electric welding - first steps

Each novice master must learn to make rollers on unnecessary metal sheets. In this case, the material is simply melted and does not create connecting seams.

How rollers are made:

  • Insert the electrode into the holder.
  • Current supply is initiated by chirking the end of the metal rod. Movement is something reminded by chirking match.
  • After the formation of an electrical arc, send the electrode to the workpiece. The gap between the metal and the electric arc should be within 3-5 mm.
  • The rod should be kept at an angle. It is customary to be a convenient angle of 70 degrees, with the electrode you can tilt both forward and forth.

This stage of practical classes should help you learn to choose current strength for a stable feed. With a weak current, the arc will disappear, and with a strong pressure of the metal. Mode control skills come only with experience.

How to cook electric welding - welded connections

Having learned to make beautiful and even rollers, you can proceed to the creation of welds. To this stage, you can begin already having a hand-made hand and know how to cook with electric welding. At this stage, you must implement the knowledge gained.

Electrode ignition actions are the same as described above. Only here your hand should perform oscillatory movements, distributing molten metal between adjacent elements. You can choose any trajectory: sickles, Christmas trees, loops or zigzags.

How to cook electric welding - Aza electric arc welding

  • The beginning of the process must be paid special attention, so it will not be superfluous to receive the first experience under the supervision of a specialist. What for? He will give useful tips and help fix all kinds of mistakes, and they will definitely. Before starting work, securely secure the item and prepare a bucket with water - for fire safety. In no case do not follow the welding work on the wooden coating.
  • Securely secure the ground "Ground" clamp. Check that the cable is insulated and refilled into the holder. Expand the power of the current that will correspond to the diameter of the selected electrode. Light an arc. To do this, slowly bring the electrode to the metal at a distance of 5 mm.
  • You will have to hold this clearance throughout the entire welding time. Note that the electode will gradually burn out, so it will have to constantly bring to the metal. If the electrode fouls, swing them to the side.
  • If the electrode in the process of welding burned almost to the base, but the seam you have not finished - temporarily stop working. Install the new electrode, remove the slag and continue to work. In this case, the arc in this case should be lit at a distance of 10 mm from the depression (crater). Take the electrode so that it turns out alloy from the old seam and the new electrode. The welding of the seam continues in this way until it is completed.

Independent welding is a rather difficult event. However, it can be mastered from scratch, with proper desire. Do not spare forces and time to master the azes, because they will be the basis of skill.

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