How to connect wires

How to connect wires

Almost all malfunctions associated with electricity occur due to overload in electrical wiring. Today many powerful electrical appliances have appeared and the load on the network has increased, and bad contacts in junction boxes and sockets can create serious problems for you. After all, the electrician, as they say, is a science that studies contacts. Let's try to give you several practical advice to the correct wire connection.

There are different types of wire connections. Consider those of them that are most often found in working with electrical wiring. This is a twist, soldering, welding, bolted connection, self-activated terminals and terminal (screw) compounds. You can choose any way of connecting the wires, the main thing is that the contact is reliable.

Twist. This wire connection occurs most often. To perform it, you need to remove the insulation of centimeters five and the bare centers to twist. You can twist together with each other. Ends of twists should be bitened with nippers. If you want to twist the copper core and aluminum, then the copper needs to be brought by tin. Wiring twist isolate with polychlorvinyl ribbon. You can instead of the tape you can wear special caps.

Soldering is one of the most reliable connections. It is used for copper wires. They are twisted, and then with the help of the soldering iron they disappear with these tweaks. Do not use fluxes based on acid.

Wire welding do if you have wires from one metal. But if the metal on the wires is different, then nothing will work. To make a connection, you will need a lowering transformer and coal electrodes. Turn on the transformer and coal electrodes rugged the end of the twist. Under the action of the electrical arc, the end of the twist of the wires will fuse - and the connection is ready.

The terminal compound has both advantages and disadvantages. This compound can be combined with wires from different metals, such as copper and aluminum, and this is a good advantage. But in this case, it takes from time to time to press the screws so that the contact is steady, this is their disadvantage. And if you use stranded wires, the ends should be disappeared or put on them tips.

Simple and reliable is a bolted connection. Copper and aluminum wires twisted through the intermediate steel washer. Only due to the properties of aluminum fluidity, the bolted compound should be pressed when inspected.

Self-movable terminals and WAGO clamps are manufactured under wires of different sections. In the clamp cells laid antioxidant paste. With these clamps, you can easily connect wires from different metals.

At the end, we want to say that what you will seriously react to the correct connection of the wires, the more reliable will be your wiring, and you can easily use electrical appliances.

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