How to make shampoo at home

How to make shampoo at home

Every day we wash our hair shampoos advertised in the hope of preserving their health, strength and shine. But few people think about what lies under the obscure name of the main components of the means for washing the hair. And they are not only harmful for the hair, but also for the whole body. If you are interested in, what can replace the purchase shampoo, try to cook it at home.

As home to make shampoo for all hair types

Here are some basic shampoo recipe, which is suitable for any hair. All the ingredients are simple and easy, and most of them you are sure to find at home.

  • Shampoo "Mustard" - take 2.5 liters of water and dissolve in it 1.5 Art. l. dry mustard, wash the wet hair. The mixture will remove grease and dust.
  • Shampoo "gelatin" - connect equally liquid soap, egg yolk, gelatin. Ingredients mix, apply on hair and rinse after 7-12 minutes of warm water. Means cleanses the hair, nourishes their protein and creates a laminating effect.
  • Shampoo "Krapivny" - Take 100g young nettle (can take 25 g of dry material), add 1 L of water and 450 ml of vinegar. Boil this mixture for half an hour and strain. For each washing, use 2 tablespoons. shampoo to a basin of warm water. Means gives the hair shine and prevents hair loss.

As home to make shampoo for dry curls

If your hair is weakened, brittle and over-dried, and the skin is inflamed and scaly, you fit the following recipes:

  • Shampoo "yolk" - whisk whisk 3 egg yolks, 1/3 Art. water 2/3 v. vodka (brandy), 1.5 hours. l. ammonia. The mixture was put on the head, rinse after 5-7 minutes. Means relieve irritation of the scalp, removes dry and brittle hair.
  • Shampoo "Suklometer" - serum warm up to a comfortable temperature and use as an ordinary shampoo. Serum feeds hair with all the necessary minerals, strengthens them and normalizes the work of the sebaceous glands.
  • Shampoo "Pijm" - brew 2 tbsp. l. Pijma in 600 ml of boiling water, straighten and wash your head in an infant every other day. After a monthly course, the hair will become obedient and shiny.

How at home make shampoo for fat curls

Fat felling strands of hair already in a couple of hours after washing - this is a real problem. Cancel your hair in order can be without questionable industrial shampoos.

  • Shampoo "Pomegranate" - Take 6 tbsp. l. Crushed garnet peel and 1.7 liters of water and bring the components to a boil, then sake for another 15 minutes. Wash your head every 3-4 days. A month later, the hair will remain clean much longer.
  • Shampoo dry "oatmeal" - Mix 60 g of ground oatmeal and 30 g of soda, distribute the powder along the entire length of the curls, after 10 minutes, spread your hair with a thick crest. Dry shampoo helps instantly refreshing curls without prolonged washing and drying.

As you can see, cook the shampoo with your own hands is very easy. Perhaps it will not be so intensely foam and smell like a shop, but your hair will begin to be transformed after the first head wash. Then why burdem your hair with chemicals when you can use natural gifts of nature.

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