How to increase hair growth

How to increase hair growth

For those who grow hair, each new centimeter becomes an event. We look at the longer-haired girlfriends and with envy you dream to quickly acquire the same hair. The growth rate of hair depends on many reasons, the most basic is a genetic predisposition, therefore, if your relatives do not shine gorgeous curls, then you are unlikely to succeed. On average, human hair is growing at 1 -1.5 cm per month, and jump above the heads of us "alas" will not succeed in any ways. All ways to increase hair growth are invented for those whose growth rate indicators are lower than the average. And if you think your hair grows objectively slowly, you can use simple and proven ways.

Causes of hair growth slowdown

Before dealing with the problem, it is necessary to understand its sources. The main causes of slow motion growth:

  • lack of vitamins. With intense loss and slow growth, the lover of diets and "drying" are often faced. The lack of certain substances can also lead to thinning of long curls and focal baldness;
  • diseases of the endocrine system and the gastrointestinal tract. If, in addition to slow growth, you have a few more symptoms of certain diseases, then do not try to strengthen growth with artificial ways, contact a specialist;
  • permanent stress and excitement. Strong and constant nervous shakes can not only lead to early gray and falling, but also slow growth;
  • lack of oxygen. Too greasy hair with insufficient care grows slower all. The fact is that skin fat prevents oxygen to the hair in bulbs, and what growth can we say if your hair is constantly experiencing oxygen starvation?
  • blood blood circulation. If you are little in the fresh air, do not fall out and abuse cigarettes, you can say goodbye to the dream of long healthy hair.

How to strengthen hair growth with mechanical methods

Often hair growth slows down due to poor blood circulation in the scalp. Fix the situation is easy if you take a rule for a day to carry out special procedures to restore the normal inflow of blood to the hair lows:

  • each morning and evening spend the massage of the scalp with special comb or mass makers;
  • before washing your head, apply cleaning peeling. You can make it at home - dilute the spoonful of salt in two tablespoons of hair balm. Gently rub the resulting mass into the scalp, wash in two or three minutes. Such a procedure will help to remove unnecessary fat deposits, will open the hair onion and will help it be saturated with oxygen;
  • if you can, purchase special ultrasound or infrared combing combs for stimulation and massage.
  • do not braid your hair in tight braids and tails, wear them away or collect in lightweight pigtail.

How to increase hair growth by folk methods

If slow growth does not go away with its roots in any disease, then the problem of natural ingredients can be performed with the problem. Simple components and easy applies have tried many girls and chose the most effective methods to accelerate hair growth:

  • mask with pepper and mustard. This extreme way to get a long chapel, only the most desperate girls tried. Impacting the blood circulation of the scalp, the active substances of these burning ingredients awaken hair bulbs and activate hair growth. The method is able to help, so at all to deprive the head of the latter hair - incorrectly selected mask consistency can cause burns and allergic reactions;
  • mask made of rapid oil. This method can work if hair growth stopped due to lack of nutrients, both outside and from the inside. If you decide to use a homemade mask from a rapid oil, then prepare the skin of the head with the help of peeling and thoroughly wash the oil after the procedure. The tool remaining on the skin and hair can even more score pores and drag your curls;
  • mask from honey and eggs. As a storehouse of nutrients and vitamins, honey is able to drink your hair with missing elements and improve their quality. Healthy and well-groomed hair can grow better and faster;
  • masks with Dimeksid. This pharmacy preparation is widely used to restore and regenerate damaged tissues. If you decide to try on yourself a mask with Dimeksid, then to start carefully read the instructions for use as the drug itself and the procedure itself. Always use Dimexide in a diluted form and do not exceed the recommended dosage.

Whatever way of accelerating hair growth you chose, remember, beauty always begins from the inside. Proper nutrition, vitamin complexes and outdoor walks are best affected not only on growth, but also hair quality.

Comments leave a comment
Tanya 20/11/2018 at 15:14

Massage make sure. The main thing is not to forget that after it the hair becomes fat, because Social glands are activated. Another shampoo bought himself in a pharmacy based on oat surfactants. It strengthens and stimulates hair growth

Vika 23/11/2018 at 14:29

Mustard mask helps for hair growth. More madly like Shampoo Horse Fors Fors based on oat surfactants. If you use them together, the effect will be stunning


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