How to increase the screen on a computer

How to increase the screen on a computer

Sometimes it happens that the text on the computer screen is not at all readable for the user even with excellent vision. Thus, some web documents and books that have not passed the mile before distribution on the network or copied files are built. There may be many reasons, but you can find out the methods of eliminating such a defect in this article: an increase in the scale of the screen, control the size of the text and pictures in browsers. You will also see a visual aid for consolidating such a screen in the browser and all the web documents that open through it. You will not need additional utilities or programs - everything happens directly in your system.

How to increase the screen on the computer: resolution

If the text and icons on the desktop suddenly became vague and small, then you probably have a problem with the screen resolution. This is easily solved in the system settings.

  • Click the right mouse button on the desktop. From the drop -down list, select the “screen resolution” line.

  • Pay your attention to the “Resolution” item in the window that appears. Click on the set value nearby.

  • Here you can adjust the resolution using a slider. You should not set the resolution more or less than the required - you need a specific value. Usually, near your desired parameter is the “(recommended)”.
  • Put the slider for that meaning.

  • Click “Apply” to see the result. If he did not satisfy you, then return to the menu and try to put another resolution.
  • You can also click on the link “What Monitor Parameters” to find out more about what permission is.
  • The fuzzy of the text and images will disappear when you set the desired value, and the size of the screen will become medium.

How to increase the screen on the computer: scale in the browser

There are two ways to increase the screen in the browser: temporary and constant. Unfortunately, it is possible to set the scale of the browser forever only in Google Chrome. Below you will find instructions for both methods.

How to increase the scale in the browser temporarily

  • Go to your browser and find the settings icon. As a rule, it is displayed in the form of three points in the right or left upper corner.

Immediately you will see the “scale” item.

  • 100% is a standard page.
  • If you increase this value, then the screen will increase.
  • If it is reduced, then the screen will decrease.

Remember that there is a directly proportional ratio.

How to increase the scale in the browser forever

In order for you to save a new scale with each launch, you need to put this parameter in the settings. Keep in mind that you will have this increase in all web documents that you will open in this browser. Therefore, you will perfectly see the text and pictures in PDF and DOC files.

  • Open the browser menu and click on the “settings” line.

  • Put the page to the very bottom until you see the “Open additional settings” link. Click on it to see more.
  • You need a line “View of the pages”. Here you can regulate not only the scale, but also the font. Put the value in a percentage that is convenient for you.
  • Close the settings. Now you will always see the browser window enlarged.

How to quickly increase the screen on the computer

There is another quick way to increase the scale in absolutely any browser, program, document or picture.

  • Open the required file.

  • Pick up the Ctrl and Sign +keyboard on your keyboard. You will find a minus and plus in the upper right corner of the keyboard. Adjust the increase as you need.
  • Do not forget that the Windows system has a “screen magnifying glass” tool that increases the text and details in a certain place of the screen. Perhaps this function will come in handy.

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