How to save a photo in the cloud

How to save a photo in the cloud

Often lose the photo or on your computer is not enough space for its storage? Then use the Internet. It provides an opportunity not only to look for information and communicate with friends, but also to save files.

You can do this with the help of "clouds". This is the name of the service to which the image can be downloaded. At the same time, you can get on it from any gadget. There are many similar systems, but most users prefer proven yandex.

How to save a photo in a cloud with Yandex

This service provides free 10 GB. There are no restrictions on storage time. The main advantage over other services is the ability to do and save screenshots on the disk, as well as the presence of the editor for the photo. Upload files to Yandex.Disk you can three ways: when installing the program on the gadget or browser extension, as well as through the site.

How to save a photo in a cloud on the site

  • This version of the photo is suitable for those who have no account on the Yandex service. First go to the main page of the cloud, click the "Turn Your Disc" button.

  • Next, the system will offer to register. Fill in all the specified fields, then select "Register".

  • In the form for the input, re-enter the data you specified during registration and click "Login".

  • Or go to your mail on Yandex. In the top menu, select the "Disc" button.

  • In any case, the service will immediately redirect you to the virtual disk. It represents a separate page on the Internet where you can post your files. To save the photo, use two options. In the upper right corner there is a "Download" button or in the central part of the site, find the section "Upload Files".

  • Clicking the "Explorer" window appears when selecting a photo to transfer the virtual disk. You can simply drag the file to the site (hold the right mouse button and pull) or select the "Open" function.

  • You will tell you about the full download of the file. With this window, you can set the file immediately on social networks or download some more photos.

  • When you close the download window, you will find the image on the site. For convenience, you can form folders, transfer or delete files. It is also possible to open access to the photo so that you can see your friends on the link.

How to save the photo in the cloud through the application on the device

  • If you need to download a large volume of the photo on the cloud, then download the disk to any gadget. The process of saving files in this way does not differ from working with the "Explorer" windows. Go to the main service page and select the section "Download App".

  • In the window that opens, you will have the opportunity to choose a program for your gadget or get a download link to the phone.

  • If you are installed on your computer, then select the application with the "Windows" mark. You can also use the installation file for other operating systems.

  • Downloaded file Select from the "Downloads" folder or find it in the lower left corner of the browser. Run the file to install the application.

  • A installer will appear on the computer monitor, in which click "Run".

  • Immediately start downloading Yandex.Disk and its installation.

  • After the program is completed, a cloud sign will appear in the lower right corner of the screen.

  • To start using the service, you must click on the disc icon, then in the window that appears, select the computer folder image.

  • As a result of such actions, the "Explorer" will open, where you can find the disk icon and its contents.

  • Additionally, open another window in which you select the image to save. Transfer it to the cloud folder or copy (while hold the Ctrl key). The photo will automatically be saved on the site clouds.

  • Also get to the disk you can from its context menu. Click the gear icon. Then select "Open Site".

How to save a photo in a cloud through browser expansion

  • Sometimes you need to save the photo not from the gadget, but from the site or social network. Make it in one click will allow the expansion for the browser.

  • If you use the Google Chrom browser, then the program can be installed as follows. First select "Settings" in the menu.

  • On the Settings page, select the "Extensions" section, in which you find the "still expansion" page at the bottom of the page.

  • In the online store, find the extension Yandex.Disk through the search engine. Click on the "Install" button.

  • Confirm the steps in the installation window.

  • When the extension is established, the hint will pop up. To activate the program, click on the disk icon.

  • To save the image directly from the village on the Internet or from the search engine, Mouse over the image. The cloud icon appears in the upper left corner.

  • Click on it, and the file will automatically save on the disk website.

  • You can find the saved photo you can in the download folder on the Yandex.Disc website by clicking on its icon in the browser menu.

Thanks to such simple prompts, you can quickly save the photo in the cloud and never lose it.

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