How to remove the cartridge with the screwdriver

How to remove the cartridge with the screwdriver

It is clear that in the house of each owner in the closet on the balcony there are basic tools, which include a screwdriver. The fact is that such a tool also needs to be able to use, and sometimes users cannot understand how to remove the cartridge with the screwdriver. Let's look at how this process is produced, and we will find out whether it is possible to do it with your own hands.

Cartridges and their types

Despite the fact that the screwdrivers relatively recently appeared in the instruments market, they gained wide popularity among users, and, in operational mode. This tool can be called practical and high-quality, but, like any other tools, some of its parts fail and require replacement.

The screwdriver, when used, is exposed to a sufficient load and it is not at all surprising that over time the cartridge on it is wearing or breaks. In order to remove this item, you need to have some knowledge and skills, but do not worry, because in fact there is nothing difficult in this process.

In order to understand how to remove the cartridge from the tool under consideration, it is necessary to understand what this item represents and for which it is needed. The cartridge is a cylinder of steel, which is hollow. Included with this detail go sleeves and ring. Inside the cartridge there are cams, the main task of which is fixing nozzles and bits.

The cartridge will always go to the tool shaft, it is for this reason that the surface of the conical form part. There is a special hole in this detail where the removable item is usually attached. To date, only two types of cartridges are distinted - cam and fastening.

It should also be noted that the cartridges are also attached differently, and it is necessary to take into account this fact, because the method of removal of this detail will depend on it.

Fastening the cartridge

The most common attachment options are the following options:

  • Threaded
  • Screw fixing
  • Morse cone

The last form of the attachment is a compound with a gross and conical clutch (due to the fact that they are identical to each other). This method is reliable and simple.

The first embodiment is made by the shaft connections in the cartridge due to the presence of a thread. Here everything is simple - the cartridge winds on the shaft on the thread.

The screw connection is most reliable, and the fixation in this case is performed by the screw. It is worth noting that the screws in this case are fixed in such a way that they are simply not visible until the cams are revealed.

The process of removing the cartridge with the screwdriver

Having understood with the types of details and methods of its mounting, one can move to the dismantling process, which is as follows:

  • In order to remove the cartridge from the tool you will need the key of the hexagon type. Its shape must be M-shaped, and size is 10 mm.
  • When the tool is found, it is necessary to fix it in a short part in the cartridge itself.
  • After that, the unit must be enabled, and immediately follows the next reaction - the end of the key that is free to hit the workplate or the surface of the table top.
  • It is necessary to remove it carefully, smoothly turning the key, after which the cartridge will slip straight on the thread without much effort.

It should be noted that it is also possible to remove the cartridge with a screwdriver in another way, which we now and consider:

  • First you need to make sure that the cams are completely killed.
  • Be careful, because in some screwdrivers at the bottom you can detect the screw, which is an additional way to fastening such a detail as a shaft.
  • Do not forget that it is necessary to unscrew it clockwise, but not against.
  • After that, you need to hold the hexagon, and it will need to turn it in the opposite direction.
  • If everything is done correctly, then from the shaft it will take off very quickly and simply. In the event that everything went wrong, then you will help you to help, which will not be able to hit the top of the key.
  • In the event that not one of the above methods did not come up, that is, it did not work out to remove the cartridge with the screwdriver, then you will have to make a complete dismantling of the tool under consideration.
  • To do this, you will need to fully pull the lock and gearbox, and the spindle is not needed inside either.
  • The mechanism you have taken out is to fix, and it is better to do it with vice.
  • In order to remove the cartridge from the device, you will need to use the pipe key, because it will be possible to unscrew the item only with such a tool.
  • If you have a screwdriver in which there are fixators with a pinch of a simple wrench type, then the dismantling will be simplified, but, to great regret, this kind of tools are rarely found.
  • If the fastening of the part is carried out with the help of Morse cone, then the cartridge will have to knock through the hammer.

Today, Makita's screwdriver are often found at users, so let's deal with this device in operational and find out how to remove the cartridge from such an aggregate:

  • First unscrew the screw (you need to do it clockwise)
  • The next step is to press a button that is responsible for the spindle stop.
  • Now it is necessary to complete the device to carefully wrap in the rag, it is preferably tight enough, and then click on two sides (use for such purposes is best for all types).
  • It's time to fix hexagon in cams

  • We take the hammer and beat along the top of the key, after which they twist the cartridge and take it out.

As you might notice, each can pull the cartridge with the screwdriver, and without help.

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