How to redo the battery screwdriver

How to redo the battery screwdriver

In the screwdriver, the battery is the most vulnerable area. After active operation, the battery is age and quickly discharged. The craftsmen offer several options for the refinement of the screwdriver, allowing to restore the operation of the tool without costs.

The screwdriver can be removed from the battery to the network, operating from 220 V. Native battery is removed from the cavity of the tool, the power supply is installed instead. The difficulty is to search for the power unit with the necessary characteristics, which will be located in the battery compartment. The converter must be with a downstream transformer and current rectifier.

Remove the battery from the device cavity, measure the dimensions of the opening cavity. Do not focus on the battery size, they may differ from the size of the compartment.

Determine the supply voltage of the device. The value is applied on a signboard or recorded in the passport of the aggregate. In most models, the tool twelve told, there are many such power units on the market. Source Over 12 in finding difficult.

The power of the screwdriver is recorded in the passport of the device. If there is no document, determine another parameter - current consumption. Ampere-clock is applied on the battery wall, now remember the readings of the charger when charging the battery. Between these values \u200b\u200bthere is a desired power supply current.

The larger the current, the greater the power and size of the power supply, look for a device that has a minimum current equal to the tank of the native battery. Use recommendations to search for equipment.

5976491 Skill6222.

Pulse and transformer power supplies have their own benefits and disadvantages. Transformer is easier to carry "torn" current consumption, but the dimensions are greater. Chinese manufacturers overestim the characteristics of small devices. Blocks released at the time of the USSR, durable, but massive and low efficiency.

Take a screwdriver to the market and check the purchase during the seller. If there is no such possibility, agree on the return of the goods.

Disasselect power supply. If the glued housing is hammer at the location of the connector, break the shell and remove the insides. Another option is to use the plastic cleavage knife. Using a soldering iron, dismantle the cord and conclusions from the fork.

Power tools1_Cr.

Install the filling without a shell into the cavity of the screwdriver. Pass the power cable through the opening in the case and solder to the block. Exit wires Sleep to the tool contacts, keeping polarity. Close the battery compartment and check the tool.

The tool can be connected to the remote transformer. Take the wire of the required length, the power supply with suitable parameters, any dimensions and weight. Remove the old battery from the screw and all parts, connected with it. In the tool housing, drill the hole, skip the network cable through it and solder it to the terminals of the device. Connect the wire to the transformer. This option has two advantages - the screwdriver becomes easier, the search for the energy source is facilitated.

You can connect to the tool the converter from the old laptop, for the tool with a capacity of 60 W enough.

Another mode of modernization is to connect the power cord to the battery on an ongoing basis. For each screwdriver, its method of refinement, depending on the electrical circuit of the device. After improving the battery will be connected to the outlet even during operation.

The refinement of the screwdriver depends on the working conditions. The electrically connected to the outlet, to work in the room - no interference. But on the roof the wire interferes. Not always a cheap design change option will improve the comfort of work.

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