How to remove a lock from a laptop

How to remove a lock from a laptop

It is no secret that the Internet is teeming with viruses, so users should be able to get rid of these programs harmful to device. Some viral programs can block access to the system. A proposal of sending a paid SMS to a three or four-digit number is displayed on the screen to get a code for unlocking access. You should not be conducted for this “profitable proposal”. It is necessary to remove the lock of your laptop with your own efforts.

The most simple banners are easy to remove, you should manually enter different combinations on the laptop keyboard.

First, we try the mouse, bringing the arrow to “activate” or “send”, click on this button on the screen. And no need to enter any codes, it happens, it helps: the window is closed, the lock is removed. We also press on “ESK”, it didn’t work out - “Alt” - “F4”. These buttons do not work, lick the mouse on the banners on the screen, often there are hidden buttons.


If Windows XP is installed on the laptop, then the Live CD disc will save the hated virus. To do this, insert it into the drive, when loading the device, click on “F2”. Select in the displayed “DVD ROM” window, then click on the “launch” or “system”. After pressing the “system restoration” key, make a choice: what control point do you want to restore.


For Windows 7, you need to carry out the same actions as for XP. The difference is that it is necessary to use the installation disk of this “Windows”. And when the window with the “Install” button pops up, click on the “system restoration” and then select “Launch Restoration”.

In the absence of the necessary disks, to correct the problems, you will have to look for an unlock code. We need the Internet and another computer device. There are special sites for this, for example:, here you can determine the code by the picture of the banner. Then insert it into the window - and the entrance to the system is free.

If you block your laptop, keep calm and do not believe what will be written there, but follow the instructions written above. The problem will be solved.



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