How to turn off the keyboard on the laptop

How to turn off the keyboard on the laptop

The keyboard is an important part of the computer, and for a laptop it is also an integral part of the overall design. There are cases when work on the keyboard is difficult due to the inconvenience of the location or form of the keys or is generally impossible due to breakdowns. In such situations, the question of disconnecting the keyboard becomes more than relevant.

The laptop is a technologically complex car, but the owner-novice will be able to disassemble the keyboard disconnection. To do this, you should know that the laptop keyboard connects to the main (maternal) board with a special loop. It is necessary to open the laptop housing and pull the wide loop, semi-keyboard with a board. The most important thing in these actions is to do everything calmly, without sharp movements, so as not to harm the processor, motherboard and do not spoil the connector.

Sometimes the keyboard is disconnected when the youngest members of your family wish to "work" during your absence or a pet, such as a kitten, arranged excavations in the keyboard keys. It is possible to fully block the keyboard when working mode, the action of which will last before restarting the laptop. The "Start" menu is the "All Programs" submenu - the "OBJECT" item is the "Command Line" application. In the window that opens, enter the command: "Rundll32 Keyboard", "Disable".

There are special programs for blocking the keyboard suitable for any version of Windows. For example, Toddler Keys. After downloading the program, its installation and running on the taskbar will appear icon from the abbreviation of the program name - "TK". Click on the program icon right-clicking the menu in which you need to select the "Lock Keyboard" command to lock the keyboard. The "Tick" appeared near the command means blocking, removing the "check mark" - respectively, unlocking the keyboard. The Toddler Keys program is absolutely free and does not occupy a large amount of memory.

For the convenience of working on the keyboard layout of the laptop without external interventions, for replacing or fixing the keyboard, the laptop software developers and designers have tried to develop easy access to the laptop - motherboard, loops, special commands and programs. The main thing that is required from the laptop owner is to be calm, reasonable, without sharp movements to execute recommendations.

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