How to rinse laptop keyboard

How to rinse laptop keyboard

Keyboard cleaning is a mandatory prophylactic procedure for laptops of any intensity of use, which is recommended to be carried out at least twice a year. However, there are force majeure circumstances in the form of spilled coffee (tea, juice, etc.), which are forced to wash the keyboard urgently. And you can do it with your own hands.

If such a force majeure is still "fresh", you first need to delay the gadget urgently, including feeding the battery from it, and then proceed to the flushing. Note that if you are limited only to the drying keyboard - it is not a fact that through the button buttons will not eat.

To get to the keyboard, first remove the top panel of the laptop. It is attached on latches, so something is sufficiently thin (the edge of a flat screwdriver, a knife, an account replenishment card) to pry and lift one edge. After that, the rest of the latches will easily be.

Go to the keyboard itself, for the removal of which in most models, the laptops will need a cross screwdriver to unscrew the screws fixing the device to the gadget housing.

After that, on the way to complete disconnection of the device from a laptop, a loop will take place by which the keyboard communicates with the motherboard. And here we will need to carefully remove the stop lock on it. You can do this in two ways, depending on the type of this castle: either to take it to the side, or lift it a bit.

Push up and view the keyboard dismantling instructions specifically for your gadget model. You may find some differences or nuances that will need to be considered.

Now we rinse the dismantled keyboard with a special liquid or a weak solution of any means for washing dishes and dry.

Purified and dried keyboard We return to the place in the reverse order.

If you do not feel the confidence that we can handle the keyboard on your laptop yourself - trust the procedure to specialists from the service center. It will also have to turn to them in the event that you find that the washing has not gave results.

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Alexander 12/13/2015 at 18:58

Oil household? ahahaha

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