How to make eyelashes thick?

How to make eyelashes thick?

Well, what a girl does not want her eyes to decorate lush and thick eyelashes, because they make the look more expressive and bright. Let's talk today about how to make your eyelashes are curly and what needs to be known.

Increase or not?

Someone can say that the optimal solution to increase the hustling of the eyelashes is their buildup, but there is a lot of nuances, most of which are not positive:

  • Spending your time. The process of extension is not operational, that is, you will have to spend more than two hours.
  • Spending your money. The procedure today is not worth a lot of money, and it will be necessary to repeat it will be a maximum in a month.

  • The presence of a mass of inconvenience is to wet them, it is impossible to sleep on the stomach, it is impossible to wear them too long, etc.
  • It is necessary to make a correction regularly, because if you walk with them too long. They may ultimately break the root of your own eyelashes.

As it became clear to their above factors, the extension of the eyelashes is not the optimal solution of the problem under consideration, so you need to understand this issue.

I immediately want to note that whatever means you do not use, they will not grow longer and more (which is, that is given by nature, it will be). But at the same time, it is not necessary to lower your hands, you just need to make the goal to prevent eyelashes of the eyelashes by strengthening them. Ultimately, if you manage to achieve the goal, you will become the owner of thick and strong eyelashes, and the first without second does not happen.

Folk remedies for hustling eyelashes

Of course, you can believe advertising and purchase a lot of various means for density and growth of eyelashes, but in any case, you will not be able to be confident:

  • nor as a means
  • nor in the safety of its components
  • neither in the efficiency of use

Among other things, such funds cost considerable money, and it is not a fact that if you buy an expensive tool, you will get the result that his advertising promises you.

In this case, the optimal option will be popular recipes whose ingredients cause trust, because they are completely safe, and among other things, more useful and efficient. So, a list of folk remedies for the density and pomp of your eyelashes:

  • Cabbage juice. Probably, each of you heard that the cabbage is a very useful vegetable, and there is no doubt about it. In this case, the juice will be applied internally, but externally. The formulation of this product is as follows - it is necessary to mix aloe juice, cabbage juice and olive oil. In this case, the proportion of all ingredients 1: 1: 1. The resulting mixture must be applied forever, eyelashes and skin around the eyes. You need to leave such a mask for 10-15 minutes, after which it will be necessary to wash off the residues with warm water. Such a means will strengthen your eyelashes and make them more lush, and this was the initial goal.

  • Parsley juice. Probably, it is hard to imagine how much parsley needs to get a large amount of her juice, but it is in principle that it is not necessary, because for the means under consideration it is necessary for it quite a bit. So, the main task is to squeeze the juice from the parsley, and it is best to make it in a mortise in a mortar (the blender is also suitable). When the juice of parsley is already in your finished form, apply it to the roots of your eyelashes, and for this you will need to apply juice on the entire surface of the eyelid. In order for the result is really effective, such masks will need to do every other day for at least one month.

Medicinal herbs and their infusions for thick eyelashes

Immediately, I would like to say that it was the infusions on therapeutic herbs that are optimally effective to achieve the goal. If you want to strengthen your eyelashes, prevent their fallout and thus make them more lure, then the decoctions of the following herbs will be an indispensable and assistants for you:

  • daisy flowers
  • sage
  • birch leaves (kidneys are also suitable for the purpose under consideration)
  • chebry
  • blue Vasilek

No one tells you to go and collect these herbs in a clean field or go for them into the forest. Everything is much easier, go to the pharmacy or to Granny, who trades herbs and buy the goods you need.

Immediately it is worth noting that:

  • buying these herbs will cost you in a penny - this is
  • secondly - making decoctions is very simple, for this you will need grass and boiling water
  • time for cooking goes at a minimum
  • efficiency at high level, data tested by time

It is very easy to use such decoctions - apply a warm "drink" to the sponge and attach the eyelids. In this position, leave their minimum for 15 minutes, and it is possible and longer.

Among other things, if you made too much tincture of the herbs in question, you can find another use of such a drink:

  • You can use it inward (the chamomile decoction calms, the decoction of the cornflower is favorable on the gastrointestinal tract).

  • Wash the decoction in the morning (excellent means for rehabilitation of skin).

Do not forget about castor oil, which favorably affects eyelashes growth and their strengthening.

Modern means for hustling of eyelashes are not always effective, but at the same time, their cost is always higher than the average, so they will apply for help from folk remedies - a great option in this situation.

Remember that it is not necessary to abuse the means under consideration too, everywhere the best option is the golden middle. You must understand that there should be a schedule of application, from which you should not retreat.

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