As eyes do more

As eyes do more

A person's eyes are a soul mirror, so it is not surprising that many girls just dream of big eyes. But it is good that any reincarnation is possible in the world of professional cosmetics, so with the help of ordinary tips any girl can get big and attractive eyes. In this article you will learn small tricks that will help make your eyes more and expressive.

As your eyes make more - light pencil

This is the most common method that lies in the launching of the lower mucosa and an inner corner of the eye. Thus, the eyes look more open and bright. The makeup artists advise to use not a white pencil, but bright shades of beige or pink flowers. If you appline black colors on the underground mucosa, then this is the opposite, make your eyes narrower. If you are accustomed to tint the lower part of the century black, then do it along the growth line of eyelashes.

As your eyes do more - game with light

This method will also help you visually enlarge your eyes, most importantly, well explore where to apply glare. Buy a cream pencil or a consigner of light shades. For a visual increase in the eye, it is necessary to evil the area under the eyebrow, apply a consillion to the center of the upper eyelid and in the corner of the eye. Do not forget to grow a soft tassel to grow up the makeup so that it looks more natural.

As your eyes make more - Right arrows

Such an accessory as a liquid eyeliner can not only emphasize the beauty of your eyes, but also change their shape. If you have a narrow eye cut, then it is possible to expand it with the help of the right lines, which in this case should be the most thin and barely noticeable in the inner part of the eye and thickened to the outer one. You can also begin to bring eyes from the middle of the century, trying to make a more rounded line. Exactly the same line should be present in the lower eyelid.

As your eyes make more - corners of the eye

The highlight of the corners of the eye is one of the most adorable makeup artists. In order for the eyes seemed more removed from each other, simply apply a bright shade of shades to the inner corner. You can use both matte and shadow with sparkles, or a cream beige pencil.

As your eyes make more - Long Eyelashes

So that your eyes were expressive, without beautiful and well-groomed eyelashes here can not do. If you wish your eyelashes are longer, buy special oil to grow them and apply in the evenings. Volumetric and slightly impressed eyelashes can be achieved by carcass with a curved tassel. Use special tweezers for curling and begin to wear mascara from the very edge of the eyelashes, painting the growth line with zigzag movements of the brush, evenly distributing the mascara. Try to make your eyelashes are painted on the line of the eye, that is, you do not need to paint the eyelashes only to the sidel.

As you can see, there are no special difficulties in increasing eye with makeup. The main thing is correctly applied.

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