How to make marble eggs for Easter?

How to make marble eggs for Easter?

Easter is the oldest and most important Christian holiday. And this holiday is simply necessary to decorate the table with beautiful marble eggs. In this article we will help you to figure out how to cook marble eggs so that they turn out not only beautiful, but also looked like real stones. We will tell you 5 painting methods and you can choose the most suitable for you.

Method 1: Long husk and green


  • raw eggs - 10 pieces
  • lyuboy husk
  • pharmacy green - 1 small bottle
  • water
  • vegetable oil

Cooking method:

  1. Declaring Eggs: Wipe them with alcohol or soap solution. This is necessary so that the paint covered the egg is uniformly.
  2. Finely cut the husks from the bow and lay it on a big dish.
  3. Fill raw eggs with cold water. Each egg (while it is wet) cut in husks.
  4. Each egg lay out in gauze and clog.

Note: Instead of Marli, you can use the Kapron stocking.

  1. Pour a glass of water into the pan, then pour the bubble of the pharmacy green. Add a tablespoon salt.
  2. Place the eggs in the husks in the pans, so that they are hidden under water. If fluids are not enough can be added yet.
  3. Put eggs on the stove and boil until ready.
  4. Rinse ready-made eggs with cold water.
  5. Remove gauze and onion husks from eggs. Rinse again under running water.
  6. Spread Easter eggs on the fabric and wait until they descend.
  7. Sutter each egg with vegetable oil to shine.
  8. Easter eggs are ready.

Method number 2: Zelenka, paper and husk


  • dry husk from the onions;
  • scissors;
  • 1-2 sheet of paper
  • wide bandage
  • chicken Eggs White
  • coil with threads
  • wide stainless steel saucepan
  • water
  • 1 bubble green
  • gloves
  • 1 tbsp. l. Sololi.

Cooking method:

  1. Cut the peel from Luke with small unequal pieces.
  2. Cut the paper with arbitrary small pieces (rhombus, squares, flowers, mugs, etc.).
  3. Mix pieces of paper and husk.
  4. Make three-layer blanks of such sizes from the bandage so that the egg can be wrapped into each one.
  5. Water eggs with water and cut every in the husk and paper.
  6. Each egg put on the previously harvested gauze, wrap and secure the thread.
  7. Distribute the bags at the bottom of the stainless pan in one row.
  8. Pour into the saucepan of water how much so that it is a little covered gauze bags.
  9. Gently add to the pan of the "Diamond Green" (10 ml) bubble, do not mix anything. Then add salt.
  10. Turn on a small fire. When the water boils down the fire to the small and cook everything around 10-15 minutes.
  11. Remove the saucepan from the fire and put under cold flow water until the egg cooling is completely cooled.
  12. Gently cut the thread scissors and remove the gauze bags.
  13. Rinse eggs under running water, dry and soda with vegetable oil.

METHOD №3: Low husky

For this method, it is best to use a multi-colored husk. So eggs will come out more diverse and bright.

Cooking method:

  1. Cut the onion husks and paper, swing in them wet eggs.
  2. Form the gauze bags as in the second version.
  3. Put on the bottom of the pans onion husks, lay eggs on top in Marle.
  4. Fill eggs with water and boil 20-30 minutes.
  5. Remove the saucepan from the fire and put under cold flow water until the egg cooling is completely cooled.
  6. Remove the gauze, rinse the eggs, dry and soda oil.

Method # 4: Food dyes

Cooking method:

  1. Wet eggs crush in a crushed onion husk.
  2. Take to gauze and boil 15-20 minutes. Cool down.
  3. In different tanks, distribute various food colors according to the instructions on the packages.
  4. Eggs in gauze bags Put in the containers with dyes and withstand 15-20 minutes (see the time on the package).
  5. Remove gauze with husks with eggs, rinse and soda oil.

If you do not want to use chemical dyes, you can use the fact that I gave us nature.

  1. Yellow dye: 1-2 Ch.L. Jurkums negotiate within 30 minutes in a liter of water, then in the resulting liquid, hold the eggs.
  2. Orange color will give eggs of paprika or carrot juice.
  3. Brown will help to buy coffee or black tea.
  4. From pink to burgundy color will help to get a decoction of the cherry bark (it all depends on the saturation of the broth).
  5. Pink color will help to get a red cabbage, blueberry, raspberry, currant, cranberry, lingonberry, cherry.
  6. Green - parsley or spinach decoction, ivy or nettle.
  7. The red cabbage will also help get a blue tint.
  8. The grape juice of dark varieties will give an adorable lavender shade.

Method No. 5: Nail Polish

Cooking method:

  1. On the surface of water, a few drops of multi-colored varnishes.
  2. Stir the contents of the container with a wooden wand.
  3. Pulle in the resulting liquid in advance cooked eggs. Some time, hold them in the solution so that the lacquer has time to grab, get and dry.

Note: Use tweezers to hold eggs.

Painting eggs for Easter is a real tradition. And this tradition can be shared with your children. So connecting to the process of your little kids you will not only make it easier for yourself, but will bring joy to them. We hope you have found a convenient way for you cooking marble eggs and now your Sunday table will shine new paints.

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