How to make logo

How to make logo

In the modern world, the logo is much more significance than at the dawn of advertising business. Now the logo is not just a catchy picture, this is a whole story - about business, its owner and direction.
In the creation of the logo there is a lot of nuances that need to be considered when creating. If you miss at least one important detail, the next "picture with a slogan" is lost among thousands of other pictures. That is why the creators of logos seek to understand the instructions before starting to work.

The value of the logo and its importance

The average resident sees about 15 thousand promotional labels, logos and ads. Why are huge corporations spend huge amounts of money to develop a small but recognizable logo picture?

First of all, the logo is an identification mark required for identifying services or a company providing a certain product.

The goal of creating a logo is to express the main activity and emphasize its uniqueness, the difference from competitors in this area. The logo is responsible for such important features as:

  • Fame of company.His force is a visual impression that he produces per person. People perceive the pictures better than the text, which means that the logos are remembered to them best.
  • Makes marketing more efficiently. In marketing field, the logo ceases to play the role of an abstract symbol and becomes an incarnation of the company's idea, its essence. His task - to convey to the customer all that marketers about the created brand wanted to say.
  • Company style. The logo serves as an important detail of the company's visual style, allows it to stand out among others and how it gives her a "face" that the buyer of services can realize.
    Loyalty. The psychological aspect of the logo is such that with the correct selection of all elements, the client will experience pleasant sensations, looking at him. These feelings will be directly related to the company owning the logo, and serve to strengthen its attachment to it and its products. In this regard, the logo is a very valuable asset suitable for work at any time of the day.
  • Garant authenticity. In addition to all the obvious advantages, the logo also serves as a signature that emphasizes the originality of the product or service. Paying attention to him, buyers will be confident that they do not acquire a fake.

Five rules for creating an ideal logo

Even the most confident entrepreneurs when creating a logo turn to the designer. It is simply necessary that the logo is not just not just like a selected picture with an inscription made by a font that would have chosen only the amateur. This is primarily investing in the future of the company.
What is needed to create an ideal logo?

  1. Laconicity. To make sure that the customers of logos are proposed to recall the well-known world brands and their logos. All of them unites one thing - visual simplicity. When looking at the picture in a person only 3 seconds, so that it is imprinted in his memory. That is why the symbol on the logo must be very simple.
  2. Usually the logo has only 4 categories: a symbol, slogan or word, letter and something abstract.
    The logo symbol is a small image of familiar things, a slogan or a word, a concentrated name can be served. The logo-letter is the logo on which only the first letter from the company name is presented, but it is always very recognizable.
    Combined options are the most informative, as we combine the letter and symbol or word and abstraction. The least informative abstraction, but at the same time it can be remembered due to its uniqueness.
  3. Color and font. There is one non-obvious secret in creating a logo - the use of four or more colors can lead to collapse. Optimal is the option in 2 or 3 colors.
    Moreover, the color should vary depending on the direction of the products. For example, youth goods better advertise a bright scarlet color. His aggression is associated with the energy of buyers. Blue, on the contrary, causes associations with durability and pacification.
  4. With the selection of the font everything is easier. The requirements for it are not so complicated. It should be clear, convenient to read and intervals between letters must be the same. And most importantly - the font must be non-standard.
    In addition, individual elements of the logo can be highlighted in an unexpected color or an interesting design so that he is more likely rushed into the eyes.
  5. Dimensions. It should be remembered that the logo is applied to different surfaces, it is in every way it is scalating. Therefore, in the manufacture of the logo, they take into account how it will look at very small and very large surfaces.
  6. Audience. In creating the logo, the role of the client plays important. You need to understand well what he thinks and what it expects the logo to fully satisfy his requests. In addition, it is necessary to know his age, his hobby and income. This is important because different circles of consumers are different requests.
  7. Spirit. The logo must reflect the values \u200b\u200band spirit of the firm that advertises. When looking at him should be clear what things he advertises and what offers. This will give the logo of individuality and will not allow the company to get lost against the background of other entrepreneurs.

The modern world offers all sorts of sites for creating logos personally. In addition, the network has many lessons to create a logo in Photoshop and other graphic editors. After studying the features of creating a logo, it can make even a novice designer.

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