How to make an ico icon

How to make an ico icon

For those who are interested in creating an ICO icon, this article will become extremely useful. Let's consider all ways to create such an icon.

Creating an icon in the desired format

All users of the Internet space, who are associated with creating websites, know how important in these affairs is the Favicon icon. Thanks to him, the user can promptly identify any resource in the list of browser tabs.

It should also be noted that today it will be hard to find a program in a computer that would have had no personal specific and individual label. Do not forget that in this case there is one nuance, namely - the software and most sites use icons in a certain format and most often it is ICO.

There are several ways to create the icons under consideration:

  • online server.
  • special Programs

Users most often use various programs for the purposes under consideration, so let's consider in more detail how to use such programs.

X-Icon Editor

If we talk about the process of generating icons, then work with a schedule, although not often applied, but still, there is from what to choose. Consider the main ways to create the icons of the format we need.

This service for experienced users of such programs is the most optimal solution of the considered task. In this case, you can create the icon with your own hands or choose from the options that the application is proposed. The main advantage in this case is the ability to export the created image with a resolution to 60 to 60. Now consider the process of creating an icon in this program:

  • First you need to open the program in question, immediately after that find and select "Import".
  • In a window that will pop up after the processes under consideration, it will be necessary to select "Upload", after which you stop your choice in the picture you find in the explorer.
  • It's time to decide which size of the icon you would like to create. Here all possible options will be offered from which you choose the best for yourself, after which you do not forget to click on the "OK".
  • If the icon icon you have created does not suit you, you can edit it without any problems by using a special editor that is embedded in the program. It should also be noted that in this editor you can make the changes you need with the icon of any size, so it is very convenient. Among other things, in the editor under consideration, the user can easily create its own picture, and from the zero itself.

  • If you have taken out the appearance of the icons yourself, you can also pre-take the result that it turned out. To do this, just click on the "Preview" function.
  • If everything you do completely suits you, now it's time to download such an icon. To do this, you will need to find the "Export" function on the screen.
  • In order for the icon created to be saved on your computer device, you must select the "Export Your Icon" function.

If you do not want anything new to invent and the only goal of your goal is to create the same type icons in ISO format, then the X-Icon Editor is the optimal option from the available.


In case you need to create an icon, the size of which will be 16 to 16, then for such purposes, the well-known site is perfect. Here, the user can also create an icon from zero to take advantage of the already existing options, and here there are quite a lot of them, so it will be from what to choose. Also, the user has the opportunity to figure out the created icon carefully, painting each pixel each.

It is very simple to work in this ICO generator, because all possible functions are painted on the crane, which you can use the user:

  • On the main page, everything is described in very detailed - at the top of the window you can see the forms to download a new image that would like to use as an appearance for the icon, and below you can detect the editor area.
  • If you decide to generate an already ready icon, you just need to click on the "Select File" icon. You will not get confused here even if you wish, because all the functions are painted in detail.

  • The creation process is simple and does not require special skills. To start, download a specific picture and if you need it - doinched, and then you will need to choose "Next".
  • If you want to create an icon from scratch, then just choose "draw the icon."
  • As in the previous program, here you can also paint the created icon. View the result of creating icons is possible in pre-mode, for this you just need to click on the "Write" function.
  • The last step in this process is the download of the file you created, that is, icons in the ISO format.
  • The above programs are an excellent solution when you need to create an icon in a specific format. They are very easy to use, because everything is written in detail there, all the necessary functions are in the program window.

If something is incomprehensible, you can explore detailed instructions for using each of them, so it will be possible to understand this business and any additional knowledge for these purposes will not work.

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