It happens that you need a text or graphic file in PDF format. In this case, you will have several options for you: install the Adobe Acrobat Reader program and use it to create documents or make a file in Microsoft Word, and then convert online or using the Converter program. Select a suitable way for yourself and start creating a file.
How to Save Document in PDF via Adobe Acrobat Reader
- First you need to download the program. Go to the official website of Adobe on the link: And click on the "Download" button.
- You will redirect to the program download page. Do not forget to remove ticks opposite the consent to load third-party software, if you do not need it. Click "Set Now."
- Wait until the software starts uploading to your computer.
- Click "Save File" in the Adobe Acrobat Reader Adobe Acrobat Reader window that appears.
- At the end of the installation, you will see such a program to successfully establish the program.
- Close the notification window and open the program.
- Among the two tabs, you need to select the "Tools" field.
- You will see all tabs with the capabilities of Adobe Acrobat Reader. Find the icon of the pink file with the phrase "Create PDF", click on it. After that, you can create files directly in the Adobe Reer program without any problems, just as you do it in Microsoft Word. After saving, you will receive a text or graphic document with the .pdf extension
If this method does not suit you for any reason, try creating a document in the usual text editor program, and then convert the file to PDF format using online service.
How to save a document in pdf using online conversion
This is a way somewhere easier, as you have to work with your familiar tools without mastering new programs. Just create a file in any editor, for example, Microsoft Word. Then go to the site of any online converter in PDF format. You can drive such a search query in the browser search string. For example, take the site
- go to the site
- scroll down a bit down and select the "Overview" button to download your document,
- if your document is not on a computer, but on the Dropbox or the Google Drive storage, then go down even lower and click on one of these options,
- load from there a file,
- below, you need to choose the language of the text in the document,
- click on this line and select a language, for example, Russian, as in the screenshot below,
- click "Convert File",
- wait until the service processes information and give you a converted file,
- save it to a computer by clicking "OK" and selecting the location directory.
Now you can create and convert PDF files in any situation for any purpose.
For greater visibility and new information, see the video below: