How to make all the letters in capital?

How to make all the letters in capital?

Capital letters in Russian denotes the beginning of proposals, as well as personal names of people, animal nicknames, names of organizations, settlements, mainland, etc. In order for the letter to become a big one to simultaneously press the key with the selected symbol and the SHIFT key. But if you want to print not one word, but an example, a proposal or paragraph, then with the help of this method you will have to type the text with one finger, and this is quite a long time and very inconvenient. There are several ways to simplify the task.

Method 1.

No matter what program you type the text, turn on the key Caps Lock.. And automatically all subsequent letters will be printed in capital. To return the usual mode, click again on this key.

Method 2.

If you work in Word, then you can make a previously printed text with completely uppercase letters like this:

  • highlight the desired fragment;
  • twice press the combination SHIFT + F3..

Please note that in the only press of these keys in the text, only the beginning of each word will be in the text.

Method 3.

If for any reason manipulation to the keys Shift. and F3. Do not lead to the desired result, then you can do as follows:

  • select the desired text;
  • in the top menu, select the tab "Home";
  • find the tab "Registers";
  • select "All registration".

Everything, after that, the text will take the desired view.

And finally, another advice. Do not abuse the texts that are completely from the capital letters, because they are psychologically perceived as a conversation on elevated colors. And instead of attracting attention, such a "masterpiece" will create a feeling from the reader, as if shouting on him.

Observe all the moderation and successful texts!

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