How to dial Roman numbers on the keyboard

How to dial Roman numbers on the keyboard

When you need to print several Roman numbers in the document, and how to do it you do not know, then, accordingly, the urgent need for new knowledge appears. It all depends on where exactly you need to specify the Roman numbers: this may be the Microsoft Office Word program and it is similar, editors on the Internet, personal correspondence in email. Depending on where you write, the procedure will change. In total there are two ways to record Roman numbers through the keyboard, one of them has variations. In this article, you will see all possible ways and appreciate their effectiveness yourself, simply repeating the instructions.

How to dial the Roman numbers on the keyboard quickly

This way is faster and can be used on any Internet resources, email and text editors, but it all depends on the font that you use. If you do not suit the first option, try putting the numbers in the second way.

How to dial Roman numbers on the keyboard: English alphabet

The whole essence of the method is to use the letters of the English alphabet, like numbers. Remember what Roman numbers are: I, M, C, L ... Looks like letters, isn't it?

Go to any editor or website where you need to put them. Turn on the English layout on your keyboard and clamp the SHIFT key - only capital letters will be displayed. An alternative can be the CAPS LOCK key, it must be pressed once, and all letters will become capital.

With the SHIFT clamping key or pressed Caps Lock Start entering the letters of the English alphabet, where:

  • capital I is a number 1;
  • accordingly, two letters of i will be 2;
  • M, C, L, D, X and so easy to find on the keyboard, they definitely repeat the Roman numbers.

Enter the whole number, not forgetting that the letters should be capitalized.

If you have the opportunity, then select a font that will make letters more like Roman numbers. In Microsoft Office Word, it may be Cambria.

Here you got the Roman numbers using the keyboard.

How to dial Roman numbers on the keyboard: symbols

When the font does not allow you to use the title letter I, as a Roman number 1, resort to the help of characters on your keyboard.

Repeat the layout on the English again and hold the SHIFT, find the key with the characters next to the hardware. Click on it and you will see a straight stick, which will be replaced by a digit 1.

So you can write other numbers that require such a symbol. Again, you can choose a font that is most like a roman symbol. The remaining Roman numbers are also introduced using the English alphabet.

How to dial Roman numbers on the keyboard in Microsoft Office Word

Some programs support the entry of Roman numbers automated. You do not even need to remember exactly how you need to write one or another Roman number. Look at the example of Word, how can this be done.

Enter the program and hold the CTRL + F9 keyboard on the keyboard. If you have a laptop, then you may have to clamp also the Fn key. Immediately the curly brackets will appear in front of you.

In these brackets, you need to record a special function of this type:

\u003d number \\ * roman

  • Where the number is the Roman figure that is required to translate.
  • ROMAN is a digit system recognition command.

In the screenshot you see an example of how to get a Roman figure 5400.

After you entered the function, press F9 or Fn + F9 again.

The Roman number appears on the screen.

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