Increasingly, on social networks, users decorate their nicknames with unusual symbols, how to do them, you will learn in this article.
On the keyboard there is a little-known function: when combined with the "ALT" key with any combination of numbers you will receive a specific symbol. Part of them is given in the table, it is completely not necessary to know it, just remember how to write the frequently you use, for example, "&". You can also find the desired symbol in the "Symbol Table" supplied with Windows software. To start it, click "Start", click "All Programs", select "Standard", then "service" and with one click of the left mouse button Activate the "Challenge" table. Change the font to the one that is used in your text (or it will change automatically when inserting a symbol into the text), stand up on the desired symbol and click "Select" to reflect in the "copy" field, then "Copy", set the cursor in That place of the text where the character should be in your idea, and "insert".♈ ♉ ♊ ♋ ♌ ♍ ♎ ♏ ♐ ♑ ♒ ♓
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Instead of a direct name or name, you can write an inverted, for example, instead of "Covetclub" - "ʚNLɔʇǝʌOɔ". To do this, type the corresponding combination of inverted characters:
Here are the most popular ways to output unusual characters. Use them for your own convenience and surprisingly friends on social networks.
Thanks №4
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