How to put square brackets

How to put square brackets

Square brackets are a special symbol of special purpose, which is used in various fields (letter, mathematical sciences, programming, even in the image of emoticons). These signs are always paired and complement each other. Today we will learn to add them to any text.

In language items, square brackets are often used to highlight:

  • phonetic or syntactic value;
  • transcription records;
  • premises in the quote of third-party copyright;
  • explanations.

For example: "There [in the room No. 19] it was very difficult to breathe", or "constellation [Kɒnstəleɪʃn] - constellation."


In mathematics, physics, chemistry square brackets are used to:

  • rounding numbers;
  • take the value "module";
  • operations with vectors;
  • recording coordinates;
  • switch and anti-commutator;
  • massive records;
  • records of complex chemical compounds and so on.

How nevertheless introduce square brackets from the keyboard? In the standard layout, they are on the same buttons as the Russian letters "X" + "Kommersant." To print a bracket symbol, simply change the language into English. You can do this by combining the hot key "Al + Shift" or "Ktrol + Shift", depending on the settings in your PC. If you have any other language, except English, but with Writing Latin letters, the method will also work.


If you do not like the current hot key option, you can change it. We go to the "Control Panel", we find the "Change layout and methods" menu, go into it. Here we need the tab "Languages \u200b\u200band Keyboards". Select a little below the "Change keypad" item, and in it - another tab with the name "Switch". Here we see possible options for choosing, as you can click the "Create key combination" button. We look in the screenshot, how it all looks:

The following option is more complicated, but it also gives more as a result, the user acquaintance with the table of special characters. Through it, you can ask almost any sign. To call the table, go to the "Start" menu -\u003e List "All Programs" -\u003e Folder "Standards", then "Service". We click on the "Symbol Table". In the picture, we see cherished brackets and a lot of useful. To pick up a symbol in the desired text, select it by pressing, copying in the bottom window and paste using the "CTRL + V" or sequence "right button" -\u003e insert.

table of symbols

To enter square brackets in Microsoft Word, Open Office or a different software, go to the "Insert" menu -\u003e "Symbols". Here they are included in the text by simply pressing.


Another original option is to enter the "Square bracket" in the search engine and copy the symbol from the issuance. The method is perfectly applied to any desired sign.


So, we learned to put square brackets. This is a very useful sign for those who work a lot with the text and writes a book, a graduate or course work. If suddenly you entered a different type of brackets, and you need to replace them into square throughout the huge text, use such a cunning. No need to correct everything manually. Open the search string by pressing "Ctrl + F", enter an erroneous symbol into it, and in the "Replacement" field. Click "OK".

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