Which antivirus is better to put

Which antivirus is better to put

Each user, be it an advanced user or newcomer, fears computer viruses. Musture your computer and data from the attack of malicious "entities" can be exclusively using high-quality antivirus. The antivirus program also allows you to "cure" files infected with viruses. There are now quite a lot of different antiviruses, both paid and free. Which one is better - to solve the user ...

The main rule is about to remember, only one antivirus should be installed on the PC. Several antiviruses do not guarantee better protection. On the contrary, different applications will conflict among themselves. This will lead to interruptions in the computer, since the load on the RAM will significantly increase.

No antivirus gives 100 percent protection against viruses. As a rule, the developers try to consider the protection system so that, with any suspicion of viral activity, the antivirus has triggered. However, not all viruses the program can notice and classify. This applies to new or updated old malicious programs.

High-quality antivirus must perform a certain list of functions and have some features. The antivirus scanner is usually in passive automatic mode checks new files and modified old. Also, from time to time, you can manually scan hard drives and "RAM" for viruses.

Anti-virus monitor is constant control of your PC. With this feature, there are continuous monitoring of all events that occur with the device. It provides a reliable barrier from viruses in the computer. Program control helps to identify disguised viruses. If the program "behaves" suspiciously, this function blocks its activities and reports this to the user.

Web antivirus and network control. Your antivirus must control the entire Internet traffic and the local network. This is very important because the lion's share of infections occurs precisely through the Internet. Ideally, the antivirus should have flexible settings so that the user can select the desired mode of operation and the operation of the system resources. If you wish, you should be able to disable certain functions, as well as decide on our own, what to take suspicious programs when antivirus detects.

Anti-virus database updates must be timely so that your computer is protected from the latest developments of hackers. In addition, Antivirus is obliged to protect not only the computer from the attacks of viruses, but also himself. For this, a good antivirus has a function of self-defense. It will not allow viruses to disable it or block it. Most of the antiviruses have two types of programs: ordinary antivirus and antivirus along with a firewall. If you do not plan to work on the Internet, then the usual antivirus is enough for you. Otherwise, the firewall is necessary.

Users and specialists allocate several of the most popular antiviruses that are slightly different from functions, but ensure reliable protection of your PC from the attack of viruses. Kaspersky (Kaspersky Anti-Virus) is a very reliable program, with a convenient interface and high functionality. However, it is possible to allocate a significant cost and excessive consumption of resources.

Dr.Web is a little behind Kaspersky in popularity. It has a simple interface, provides good control when working on the Internet. True, sometimes when scanning misses viruses, and also does not allow you to configure the program "Under yourself". The licensed version also has a high cost.

NOD32 is able to block advertising, ensures security in social networks. From the disadvantages, you can highlight the low rate of PC checking for viruses, and from time to time, antivirus skips simple "Troyans".

Avast! It is considered the best free simple antivirus. The free version blocks malicious sites perfectly, has a pleasant interface. However, sometimes misses viruses, it is not capable of blocking advertising on sites.

Specialists advise before installing one or another antivirus, to determine what kind of purposes you will use this computer. If for entertainment, then enough free Avast!. If the PC is used for working purposes, it is better not to regret money on Kaspersky. For netbooks you can use Avast!, Which is the least demanding of resources, and they are in a netbook and so few. And from time to time you can check further the system with a free utility, for example, Dr.Web Curelt.

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