How to make a presentation in PowerPoint

How to make a presentation in PowerPoint

Power Point- is a unique program for creating presentations with the presence of images, videos and audio. With presentations, you can fully disclose information about you, your project, product, etc. Create a slide show is not difficult, if you follow the basic steps.

How to make a presentation in Powerpoint - the creation and selection of a slide template

To create a slide, follow a series of follow-up:

  • connect PC to the network;
  • run Power Point;
  • select "New Slide" in the upper left corner.

Choose a template on the origins of the presentation. To do this, select the tab "File", then you specify "Create" and double click "new presentation" in a predetermined pattern.

How to make a presentation in Powerpoint - choice of topics

To change the theme, click the tab "Design" in the presentation, and then select your favorite topic by clicking on it once with the mouse. You can also adjust the universal theme to your needs using the "Styles background", "Colors", "Effects" .Slayd show from beginning to end, to be executed in one color. Colors should not be variegated and eyestrain. But as the text does not blend in with the color theme.

How to make a presentation in Powerpoint - to select the font

On the aesthetics of your slide show will also affect the font written text. It can be changed to any other "Home" tab, then "Fonts theme." It is not only the topic text, but also its size, color. you can highlight text in bold, italic, underline, zacherknutym.S through a variety of fonts, sizes, colors can easily focus on something important and essential. The text on the slide must be easy to read at a distance. Select multiple fonts for a single presentation, but no more.

How to make a presentation in Powerpoint - pictures additive, charts, diagrams

To add a picture, a diagram to the slide, the diagram, the figure you need to open the "Paste" tab and select the desired one. And also in the "Paste" tab, you can add sound. For better assimilation of the presentation material, it is best to attach sound and illustrations. It has been proven that the visual memory of the person is better developed, and in the aggregate with the text and sound will give the desired result.

Adding transitions and animation

In order for your presentation to be more interesting, then when it is created, put a variety of transitions from the slide slide in the Transitions tab. As well as input / output and selection animation in the Animation tab. In order for the presentation to absorb the attention of the audience, make animation transitions, it becomes more interesting to look.

Everything that is needed to create a high-quality and interesting presentation is considered and studied in the listed lessons, it remains only to choose the "Slide Show" tab and enjoy your work. Each presentation created by you is unique.

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