How to change the drive letter

How to change the drive letter

Change the name of one of your disks may be required for various reasons: for aesthetic considerations, or if one of the programs requires a certain installation path. It may also happen that you reinstalled the system, and the letters of the disks changed themselves. Then the programs will not be launched, because they "remembered" the former address of their files. In total, you can choose among twenty-six letters of the Latin alphabet: from A to Z. At the same time, the letters from from to z are allocated to the rigid disk, and the first three remain outside drives and diskettes. If there is no optical drive on your computer or laptop, then you can occupy the characters left for it. Change the letter of the hard disk using the example of this article.

To begin with, you need to open a special built-in disk management utility. One way to open it is to cause a string of execution. At the same time, clamp the keyboard "Win" and "R" keypad.

In the search window that appears, type the "diskmgmt.msc" command. Click "OK" to start the search.

The utility will open in a few seconds.

If in the process you have any problems and the program has not opened, then refer to the second method, which will solve the task.
Open the Start in Explorer and refer to the search bar in it.

Start typing "Disk Management" in it. The top area will automatically search for. As soon as you see the string "Creating and formatting a hard disk partitions", stop typing and open the program. On Windows 10, the required string can be called simply "Drives".

Once the utility is started, select the desired disc, just putting the mouse cursor on it. In this example, the disk on the computer is only one with the letter S.

Right-click, in the drop-down list, select "Change the letter of the disk or the path to the disk ..."

You will open a small window in which you want to click "Edit".

Choose any letter of the Latin alphabet in the field on the right. Remember that the S - Z characters are reserved by local disks.

After you choose, click "OK" at the bottom of the window.

Now in you know how quickly you can change the letter of your disk on your computer or laptop. Call one important nuance: all your programs after this procedure are likely to be launched at all. The fact is that in the launched file of a program or another address is registered to all files that need to contact the process. Thus, it is better to change the letter of the disk immediately after formatting the system, or when you have very little software, which can be easily replaced.

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