How to change Microsoft account

How to change Microsoft account

Microsoft account is directly related to many products of the company. As a login, you can use any email address. If you start actively mastering another email, follow the instructions given to secure it at the account and change the old one.

How to change Microsoft Account - email change

It should be said in advance that you must have access to your old account to confirm the actions. If two-stage authentication was turned on, then to the phone number too. In the case when these conditions are impracticable, you will have to delete an account and create a new one. To change the login:

  • we go to your Microsoft account through the browser, at (the same is easy to do from, if on the right and on top to click on the name of your "account" and choose "see") ;
  • on the blue panel, select the "Details" tab, after clicking on "Input Management ...";
  • i confirm the possession of the account by one of the previously configured methods - by SMS or via the electronic box;
  • after, on the same page, we go to the "pseudonym account" item;
  • select "Add email address";
  • enter the desired email;
  • the next step we get a notice on it;
  • we open the letter, read, click on the link to confirm;
  • now, on the input management page, select "Make the main" row with a new email address;
  • mailing from Email should read that it is a "main pseudonym";

Now the address is easy to use to access Microsoft Services.

Replacing the Microsoft Account on Local

In Windows 10, you can also log in using the developer's company account. If you do not want to do this, let's figure it out how to change this type of account to local:

  • go to the OS with Microsoft account and administrator rights;
  • in the "Account" section -\u003e "System Parameters" by changing the type of account by clicking on the link "Login from Local ...";
  • we recruit the password from the current "account";
  • create a new local entry, entering the login, password and hint to it;
  • we reboot and select the current account on the login screen.

Amend Microsoft directly from under Windows will not work differently.

How to change the Microsoft account on the phone?

The question of changing the account from the popular company on the smartphone is also sufficiently disseminated in the worldwide network, but the answer to it is not consolation. To set a new account, the device will have to reset to factory settings. How to do it - depends on the specific model of the phone. It is important to remember that all data from the phone will disappear, so before holding the Hard Reset'a you need to make a backup, that is, to save the necessary information for the owner. In addition, on the devices with which Full Unlock is produced is to actually change the Microsoft account to another (in fact, it will be possible to do anything, since you have full access to the entire "filling" of the smartphone). However, in most cases, it is not recommended to do this, since there is a not enough experienced user to hurt the system and violates the normal functioning of the mobile.

You can change the Microsoft account to another radical way - a complete deletion from the company's website, with the subsequent creation of a new account. Within 60 days, the old account can still be restored if the user dismisses.

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