Windows 10 Pros and Cons

Windows 10 Pros and Cons

In less than a year, the Windows 10 operating system has acquired millions of active users, and also became the most popular platform around the world. It is safe to say that all this is due to the many advantages of the OS, but you should not think that the 10th Windows has no shortcomings, because of which the platform cannot be the most ideal solution for the user.

The main features of Windows 10

First of all, you need to remember that Windows 10 developers tried to take into account all the disadvantages of past versions of Microsoft operating systems, so for most users the platform is the best option among those today on the market. Do not forget that until recently any user who used Windows 7 or Windows 8 (8.1), had the opportunity to upgrade to the “dozens” completely free. The Microsoft Corporation in this way has lured millions of users around the world, boasting of various capabilities of the system. Unfortunately, many users decided to roll back to the last version of the platform, and this happens for a wide variety of reasons: someone is just used to the old interface, for some, the new OS is highly difficult to use, and some are completely sure that through Windows 10 is following the government.

The advantages of Windows 10

  • Practical interface. Microsoft developers have done everything possible so that the system interface is as convenient for the average user. We are talking about the use of basic functionality, the interaction between windows and programs. At the same time, the creators of the system made it minimalistic and “flat”. These are precisely the two trends that are often used in modern websites and operating systems. Practice shows that the general simplicity of design positively affects the impressions of the user from the system.
  • Menu "Start". Even the most ardent fans of Microsoft operating systems were frankly upset, which in Windows 8 and 8.1 there was no such convenient and practical Start menu. However, as you know, to make people well for people, you must first make it worse, and then return it as it was. In Windows 10 “Start” returned, and improved and convenient. For beginners, this part of Windows 10 is something too tricky, but you can get used to everything quickly enough.
  • Microsoft Edge browser. As you know, the Internet Explorer browser, which was present in previous versions of Windows, turned out to be extremely unpopular. This situation, of course, strongly upset the management of Microsoft, and they found some solution, releasing a new browser based on the new system. As it turned out, the Microsoft Edge browser, which by default is installed in Windows 10, has not gained such popularity, but the program itself has many advantages. First of all, we are talking about built -in anti -virus software, as well as high speed, efficiency of resources and traffic. Some tests have shown that Microsoft Edge is really practical than other popular browsers.
  • DirectX 12. Of course, for modern computer devices, a graph is the most important component. We are talking about the schedule of the DirectX 12 standard, as well as increased performance, which requires less resources from the video card or integrated processor graphics. It is known that DirectX 12 is most practical for owners of laptops and PCs with inexpensive video cards.

Cons of Windows 10

  • System for modern "iron". Many users mistakenly believe that the new Windows operating system is primarily intended for old computers, which, after installing, will begin to work quickly and productively. Practice shows that Windows 10 shows itself best on new personal computers. Of course, all this is relatively, so before the update the system will indicate whether a specific PC is compatible with the new OS.
  • Regular system updates. As you know, on almost all systems from Windows, it was possible to turn off and postpone updates. The situation is in such a way that this made it possible to abandon the very updates that are completely not needed on a particular computer. Now, when using Windows 10, there is simply no ability to abandon updates. Of course, you can go into the system update settings and set a small delay, but in the end you will still have to install an update in any case.
  • Application store. Microsoft decided to promote their application store, which has a huge number of developments, primarily focused on gadgets with sensory displays. Accordingly, for laptops and desktop personal computers, all these programs are not needed. When installing applications from the official store, the corresponding tile appears in the Start menu, which often creates some inconvenience for the user.
  • Combining the classic and sensory interface. As you know, now almost all OS developers are guided by devices with sensory displays. The same situation is with Windows 10. If you use some standard programs, or just go into the system settings, you can find large windows that are primarily aimed at sensory interfaces. It is worth recognizing that this does not create special difficulties or inconvenience, but it would be much more convenient in all sections and options of the system to use a single interface. It is possible that soon in Microsoft this will be taken into account by including 2 types of interface in the settings at once: one for classic desktop devices, and the second for sensory gadgets, the amount and assortment of which is growing rapidly every year.

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