How to draw face anime

How to draw face anime

In this article, we will tell about the features of drawing anime person who has its secrets.

Sourcing head

  1. To begin with, we draw a roughly smooth circle.
  2. Then we reinstate the lower jaw to our circle. This will be our head. Try to pay attention to the fact that the parts of the head you have at least approximately smooth.
  3. Then they spend the line through the head, we will look at it how symmetrical our head is.
  4. Then we spend eye line. On it we will draw eyes. We also draw neck. Here our head is already in the meeting.

Eyes anime

Try so that your eyes are not talked hard, but not too close. In my case, they are closely planted, because the perfect distance between the eyes is the size of one eye. If you, for example, look at yourself in the mirror and test in your eyes, you will see that the distance between the eyes, in most cases, is really equal to the size of one eye.

Next, we draw the bottom of the eye. This is not always necessary, as some of it, for example, do not draw at all. But with the bottom of the eye the head looks more interesting. With eyes finished.

Further we draw nose

What do I like to draw an anime man? Of course, that in it simplified anatomy and you do not need to complicate everything there, draw, but simply painted a wand and the nose is ready.

And draw Rot

You can draw absolutely any mouth, in my example, a stern girl. Make sure that the mouth corresponds to the lower jaw. Some, for example, in general draw your mouth almost on the chin, that is, very low. Well, it, of course, also depends on the rice.

Further draw the second century, since the eye looks more expressive. And do absolutely any eyebrows.

Further draw hairstyle

Practically every character's anime has a cheek. It greatly simplifies the drawing of eyebrows, just close the eyebrows of bangs. In our example, draw oblique bangs. You can draw absolutely any hairstyle. Add extra strands to the anime look more realistic.

We also draw ears

We have ears at eye level. Since in the anime simplified anatomy of the ears is mostly always or generally closed with hair. Our anime is almost ready. To give realism, we can add hair fluttering in the wind.

Small shadow and body

Under your head we draw a small shadow. If you are just a novice artist, always try not to draw just one flying head. In addition to the skills with the sketch of the head, you need to learn to draw the body. From the neck anime, it is necessary to continue the body, for example, a shirt, shoulders.

Now only the back of the hair remained

You can make absolutely any hairstyle. In my case, for example, we will make loose hair, you can draw tails. On the body anime you can draw decorations. Also, in the case of a symmetrical success, it is necessary to observe the balance of proportions. On the shirt you can draw a button.

In the sketch of the face anime, in principle, there is nothing complicated. The most important thing in this case is training. The more you draw, the better you start drawing.

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